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  • 2009 Sept 15 MHOA meeting

    The MHOA posted on September 8, 2009 the following:

    “As part of the continuing process of conducting due diligence on Master Association property, the land surrounding the upper and lower lakes was recently surveyed [just prior to July 25, 2009]. The results of that survey are now on file and recorded with Summit County.  Most of the survey stakes have been removed, with just a sprinkler flag  or fluorescent ribbon tied to the cap-and rebar marker left to identify the locations defining Master Association property for future reference.

    The survey revealed some unresolved issues regarding encroachment across property lines, private easement definition, and encroachment on the profile of the earthen dams impounding the two lakes.  Due to the complexity and variable nature of these issues from lot to lot bordering the lakes, and in some cases off the lakes, the Master Association will contact and resolve any issues on a one-on-one, case-by-case basis with individual lot owners.  There will soon begin an information process by which the Association membership will be brought up to date on the history of the lake issues at hand, and the relationship of the lakeshore property around the two lakes owned by the Association since 2004, to that of the lakeview lots which border the Master Association owned property.”

    On October 5, 2009 it was reported to this webmaster that a lengthy, unposted meeting was held on September 15, 2009 regarding:
    —the lakes survey completed just prior to July 25, 2009 [the 4th survey – 1978, 1984, 1989, 2009],
    —the condition of the new dams built in 2005 [warranted for 50 years at cost of around $143,000],
    —the State Water Engineers mandate to remove all trees [particularly aspen, willow, and cottonwood] from the perimeter of the lakes from the rip rap water line inland 25′.  This mandate is understandable on or a measured distance from the dams themselves, it makes no sense, environmentally or esthetically, to remove trees from the perimeter of the Silver Willow Lake [lower lake, large lake, 20+ acres], or from the perimeter of the Silver Willow Pond [upper lake, small lake, 5+ acres].

    It has been ascertained and reported that the 508 Silver Springs Master Association Members were not notified by the 13 individual subdivision presidents/boards, no fliers were distributed, no invitations extended to the property owners that will be affected by these developments.

    This meeting was attended only by some members of the Master HOA board, by the new Waterways Chair- Jim Harsch, and by four general association members: Gaylynn Mooney, Eric Fraleigh, Julia Loughlin, and Cathy Higginson. And possibly by someone from the State Water Engineers Office – Everett Taylor.

    Utah Division of Water Rights    |    1594 West North Temple Suite 220, P.O. Box 146300, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-6300    |    801-538-7240

    Use the state directory to find phone numbers and/or email addresses of Water Rights employees not listed on this page.

    Public Assistance
    Public Assistance Staff (General questions …) (801) 538-7240

    The State Engineer is the Director of the Division of Water Rights. He may be contacted as follows:

    • Kent L. Jones, State Engineer
    • Utah Division of Water Rights
      1594 W. North Temple Suite 220
      P.O. Box 146300
      Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6300
      (801) 538-7240
      Fax: (801) 538-7467

    • Matthew Lindon, Assistant State Engineer – Technical Services
    • Email: [email protected]      [Matt lives in Silver Springs]

    • John Mann, Assistant State Engineer – Applications and Records
    • Email: [email protected]

    • Everett Taylor

                         Email: [email protected] [handling Silver Springs Lakes]

    Webmaster : Lucy Archer - Send additions or corrections to [email protected]   
    Copyright © 2025, Lucy Archer