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  • 2012 Oct 3 Romney – Obama Debate #1

    Campaign 2012: Obama vs. Romney

    Presidential debates on Oct. 3, 16, 22 at 7 pm.  Also Oct. 11 debate at 7 pm between Ryan and Biden.

    On Thursday, CBS’ David Letterman presented the Top Ten Reasons Barack Obama gave a lackluster debate performance in Denver Wednesday night (10/3/2012).  And, no, the altitude wasn’t among them. (Sorry, Al, former Vice President Al Gore struggled to explain why GOP nominee Mitt Romney performed more comfortably and was better prepared than did President Barack Obama.).
    Reason # 10:  I haven’t slept an hour since 2008.
    Reason # 9:    Romney’s hair is so mesmerizing in all its chiseled perfection.
    Reason # 8:    I didn’t want to wake up Jim Lehrer.
    Reason #7:     Haven’t been the same since I quit smoking.
    Reason # 6:    Honestly, I thought the debate was next week.
    Reason # 5:    I live with my mother-in-law, what do you want from me?
    Reason # 4:    Kept blanking on what percentage of country I said in 2008 that don’t pay taxes (47%) and what percentage Romney said that don’t pay taxes (47%) because they are retired, are children or students, or are unemployed.
    Reason # 3:    Skipped rehearsal (had to finish my golf game).
    Reason # 2:    Why don’t you ask Bin Laden how I did (the SEAL team on the ground “didn’t build that.”)   
    Reason # 1:    It’s Bush’s fault!

    It appears that Barack has earned a new moniker… “Oblama.

    Oblama started his presidency with a bang by botching his oath of office. For good measure, he set the tone for his administration by allowing Chief Justice John Roberts to take the blame for the error.  Oblama cannot give a cogent speech, no matter how short,  without a teleprompter.

    Four years ago Obama said he was not a perfect man and he would not be a perfect president. This is one promise he kept. 

    Tom Brokaw assessed the debate by saying that Romney marshaled his thoughts in a more coherent way while Obama wondered around the landscape like a “dope on a rope.”  Obama repeated false points against Romney a number of times and required recurring correction.  Obama does not have the vision or flexibility or leadership qualities to understand Romney’s plans and how Romney is able to work with diverse input such as the 87% Democrat legislature he successfully engaged during his term as governor of Massachusetts.Jay Leno began his Thursday 10/4/2012 monologue by stating that the overwhelming consensus is that Romney won last night’s debate. With nearly 60 million Americans watching the only one that tuned out was Obama.  First lady Michelle was so not impressed that after the debate she ate a quart of Haagen Daz ice cream, two corn dogs, and a 32 oz. Big Gulp…. Obama was talking about developing other sources of energy but could not muster enough energy for a 90 minute debate.

    Polls this summer indicated that the White House race between President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney will be very tight, on November 6th.New polls in October indicate Romney is pulling way ahead.Over 67 million people watched tonight’s debate,  15 million more than for the first 2008 debate. That’s more people than who voted for Obama in 2008 — that’s a LOT OF PEOPLE!!!
    Read the poll on October 5, 2012 on Newsmax.com: Can Obama Be Defeated by Romney? Surprising Poll Data Revealed

    Is Obama Finished? Can Romney Win?
    Vote in National Poll Here

    Today’s results:
    If the election were held today, who would you vote for?


    Barack Obama – Joe Biden …………………… 87,924(22%)


    Mitt Romney – Paul Ryan…………………..…292,164(76%)




    Are you more likely to vote for Mitt Romney because Paul Ryan is his VP?


    More Likely…………………………..98,653(26%)


    Less Likely……………………………29,856(7%)


    Doesn’t change my opinion of Romney…..250,463(66%)


    Which party should run congress?








    To close the federal deficit, Congress and the President should


    Raise taxes…………………………….27,557(7%)


    Cut spending…………………………103,315(27%)

    Cut taxes and cut spending…………..234,515(61%)

     Raise taxes and increase spending…….13,356(3%)

    Do you favor significant cuts to Medicare?


    Yes, cut Medicare significantly……….38,190(10%)

    No, don’t cut Medicare significantly…336,994(89%)

    Read more on Newsmax.com: SurveyResults



    Obama’s remark to Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev Reveals Troubling Insightminx.cc/?post=327829— blog.heritage.org/…/morning-bell-obama-whispers-away-americas-security…
    It is hard to overstate the dangerous implications of what happened when President Putin at March 26, 2012 12:53 PM …. Republicans are livid about a comment that President Obama made — unaware that it was being captured by an open microphone — to Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev. Referring to protracted discussions over the placement of a U.S. missile defense system in Europe, Obama said: “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this can be solved.  But it’s important for [incoming President Vladimir Putin] to give me space. This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”  Sounding like a spy, Medvedev responded: “I will transmit this information to Vladimir.”
    Were Obama’s comments proof that he was “pulling his punches with the American people” and obscuring his plans for the missile defense system. John R. Bolton, whom conservatives would like to see as Romney’s secretary of State, called the remarks a “fire bell in the night” and a harbinger of capitulations to come if Obama is reelected. ____________________________________________________________

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