Basin considered for Incorporation -Lockhart
Two moose grazing along Silver Springs Drive
Summit County considers study to incorporate Snyderville
– [New name “Moose Valley”]
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Response Commentary: In the matter of Summit County Council Chair Claudia McMullin [a Silver Springs resident] saying that 80 percent of Summit County residents live in the basin, fiscally speaking, that puts a huge responsibility on county government,” [as well as huge tax income from residents and businesses]. [Another council member, Chris Robinson lives on Old Ranch Road, east of Silver Springs.]
“We provide tremendous levels and amounts of municipal services to those residents (from a county perspective),” McMullin said. Summit County municipal also expects homeowners’ associations to pick up the costs of many services such as street lights, maintenance of parks and waterways, and drainage systems, and perhaps other services.
We would be very much in favor of incorporation if Summit County municipal would support the dissolution of homeowner’s associations no longer supported by the homeowners. Why should homeowners have to pay taxes and HOA dues for the same services? By the way, the area referred to as the South Snyderville Basin shares a contiguous border with Park City’s northern boundary; the two areas are not separated by four miles.
This map labels a portion of Moose Valley as “Synderville” a too common typing error.
The 84098 zip code area is Moose Valley not Synderville and not Snyderville.
Another comment made is about the map shown on the TV news and on the Internet seems to show North Snyderville Basin as Silver Creek Estates, Red Hawk, Black Hawk Station, Glen Wild, Highland Estates, Silver Summit, Trailside, maybe Stagecoach Estates (has been renamed), etc. but does not go west enough to also include the NW corner of zip code 84098. The Park City School District includes all of 84098 inclusive of all of the areas named plus areas left off the map such as Pinebrook (including Toll Canyon), Jeremy Ranch, Hidden Cove, Timberline, Gorgoza, Sunrise Hills, etc.
We think it would be a mistake to leave those areas out of the incorporation and isolated between the Salt Lake County wilderness area boundary beginning at Parley’s Summit and the proposed incorporated area shown on the published map since they are all in the same school district and zip code 84098.
The South Snyderville Basin portion of the map seems to include Kimball Junction, Ranch Place, Silver Springs Community, Sun Peak, ParkWest Village, Old Ranch Road, Bear Hollow, White Pine Canyon, etc. up to and contiguous with the Park City boundary at Osguthorpe’s farm, St. Mary’s Catholic Church, and the Jewish Temple Har Shalom.
Moose feeding at the Silver Meadows townhomes parking lot