SSSFHOA Annual Mtg and Election – Oct. 8, 2013
To be held at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church at 7 p.m.
The SSSFHOA Bylaws were modified on October 12, 2010 as follows: “Article III, Section 2, Annual Meeting, Line 2: The annual meeting date will be held on the second Tuesday in October.”
2013-Oct 8 SSSF Agenda
2013-Nomination Form and Ballot– Due no later than the date of the meeting at 5:00 p.m.
Delivered to Dwight Hibdon’s house at 4958 N. East Meadows Dr.
2013-Nomination Form and Ballot
2013 SSSF Budget January to September
2013- Oct HOA Management Co Request for Quote – pg 1—2013- Oct HOA Management Co Request for Quote – pg 2
” WHEN YOU FAIL TO PLAN, YOU PLAN TO FAIL” should be the Board’s motto. A small room was the meeting space allocated for this meeting, certainly not large enough to hold over 180+ couples.
Nineteen SSSF lots were represented tonight. Five ballots were received from non-attending owners. The meeting was not called to order as a quorum was not present. Hibdon guessed the follow up meeting would possibly be scheduled for Tuesday, October 29th, a letter will be sent out to the property owners to confirm a rescheduled meeting date.The proxy ballot was flawed because there was no way to identify or record the votes as required by our Articles of Incorporation.
Most of the meeting conversation cycled around the hiring of a property management company to enforce the CCRs on the homeowners. Only one property management company has been looked into, there are 44 PM companies in the Park City area. I volunteered to look into other companies on behalf of Dwight, it is important that we interview a range of companies to find a good fit.
Another topic of discussion was a few neighbors reluctance to follow the CCRs. The owner of Lot 145 is a perpetual problem due to lack of upkeep of his home and yard. The owner of Lot 39 has parked 2 to 4 vehicles in his driveway every day for twenty-plus years, he has also left his waste cans in front of his garage in full view of passersby for a similar time. Attendees gave various examples of how the board has failed to enforce the CCRs. The input I have heard from homeowners is that the board trustees generally do not follow the Bylaws so the property owners do not respond to the board requests to comply with the CCRs.
I again requested that the MA post their meeting minutes and monthly budgets. New MA President Jeff Nielsen said he realized it had been quite a long time since the last minutes were posted (last minutes were for the 11/13/2012 meeting, the last budget was for 2010 or actual 2011) and that he would see to it that they were posted soon on the website. I wrote an email to Dwight Hibdon regarding both the MA meeting that preceded the SSSFHOA meeting tonight, and the SSSF meeting itself, that I will share here:
“Hi Dwight,
You missed the part of the MA discussion wherein I asked Robyn, Les Carriel, and Nielsen about the $80,000. CD that has disappeared from the MA savings. Robyn was quite cavalier about it, stating that the discussion I referred to did occur but that it was all a joke. I witnessed the event, it was not spoken as a joke. Nielsen said the MA audit did not discover the CD. That was for a number of reasons I can think of: first because the audit was for a very limited short and fairly recent time frame that did not include the several years when the money was accrued, nor the year when the CD was invested, nor a number of years following the investment. Les Carriel stated that the MA board has discussed this CD on a number of occasions and are inconclusive regarding whether the CD existed or not. Basically, the board feels there is no way to track $80,000 dollars of homeowner fees entrusted to the MA manager. What really galls me is that no one has had the consideration since 2008 to tell me (a) that the board has discussed/looked into my concern, or (b) that the discussion between Ron Duyker, Jerry Romero, and Robyn Bailey has been labeled “a joke”.
Dwight, I don’t know whether you were in or out of the room when MA trustee Larry Eichner voiced his concern about the MA board holding a quarter of a million dollars ($221,000) in reserve over and above the unallocated savings of (I think they said) $24,000. There is some background that I could tell you regarding how the MA board accumulated some of that excess without property owner consent as outlined in the MA Bylaws, etc. Noland was the perpetrator on that unauthorized collection. One of the presidents of another subdivision told me today that her board does not participate in the MA, “they are all crazy in that group” she told me. Another blaring question was regarding the MA expenditures for attorney fees ($39,974 in 2012). This board is currently engaged in rewriting the MA Bylaws and apparently they do not feel the property owners need to be involved or informed, “These are rules for how we run this board, it has no affect on the property owners.” Oh, really!
On the way out of the meeting I again tried to talk to Bill Noland to request that he share with me (the website) the documents from attorneys, etc. that he claims justifies his position on continuing with the underdrain system even though the property owners have voted it down and it is not a part of our documents. Noland ignored me as I walked along with him from the center hallway out to the parking lot. His lack of response leads me to be even more convinced that he may have engineering knowledge of the workings of underdrains but that he does not understand that the Silver Springs property owners do not consider it an HOA issue but an individual homeowner issue as stated in our CC&Rs.
I was disappointed that you have “pretty much concluded a done deal” with PMA without talking to more of the other 44 PM companies in PC. I know the neighborhood docs give the board the power to do this but the board does have an obligation to make decisions of this nature palpable and inclusive to the property owners who pay the bills and will be required to live in a “policed” state hired by the board trustees (few of whom know or understand their duties or how to manage a neighborhood).
I am writing to you to apprise you that opinions and interest in board activities do exist. I told you in March that I was willing to help the board, you told me you would discuss it with the board and get back to me. I never heard back from you. Last month I asked for assistance to produce a neighborhood directory, I was told no one on the board had any property owner lists; not even the paid bookkeeper? The board complaint tonight was that no one wants to serve as a trustee. What I know is that the board is not prepared or organized enough to have someone capable and willing to assist them. The man sitting beside me (Paul Russell?) told me that he has read my community website, he said he could tell that I was deeply frustrated by the board and the homeowners’ situation. A few rotten apples can ruin the whole bushel.
Best regards,
Lucy Archer
P.S. F.Y.I. Property owners who have received the Silver Springs Directory I put together (without any board help) have said they love it, it is long overdue, great job, thank you sooo much.
–PAUL STANGELAND: (will be posted when received)
– Lucy is originally from Michigan and holds a Masters degree in Education and Technology.
– Lucy moved to Silver Springs Single Family subdivision on September 1, 1982.
– She was a founding member of the SSSFHOA and served as its secretary for six years.
– In 1993 Lucy was a co-founder of the Summit County Library on Rasmussen Road.
– In 2000 Lucy was recruited by the Silver Springs Master Association as the webmaster to produce and maintain their website at, now expanded at
– In 2008 Lucy served in the SSSFHOA Board Trustee as secretary and webmaster.
– While on the board Lucy produced a monthly newsletter for property owners and continued to maintain and update the community website, both at her own expense
– Lucy fully performed her duties as secretary, she planned and organized the Annual Meeting and Election, with the assistance of other homeowners, resulting in an 81% participation and attendance. The largest gathering of homeowners in a couple decades.
– Lucy has maintained an archival collection of documents, minutes, letters, etc., beginning in 1982, for the SSSFHOA which is housed in her home.
– Lucy is running for the board to assist in management by using the skills she performs in her work. Also to bring joy and cohesiveness to our neighborhood with a hope of bringing residents closer together.
– Lucy hopes to reinstate a monthly newsletter, transparency to the board, new ideas, adherence to the Bylaws and a means of regularly receiving property owner input via email.
– Lucy has produced a neighborhood directory booklet; and would like to begin fundraising work to build a clubhouse for neighborhood gatherings and recreation.
– Lucy hopes to have your vote counted for the October 8, 2013 Annual Election or whenever the board schedules the replacement meeting.