2009 Oct 14 MHOA mtg
10/6/2009: The MHOA is holding a meeting on Oct. 14, 2009 at Parley’s Park Elementary School, 6:30 PM “regarding the lake issues and the removal of trees mandated by the State Engineer.”
See September 15, 2009 on these topics:
—the lakes survey completed just prior to July 25, 2009 [the 4th survey – 1978, 1984, 1989, 2009],
—the condition of the new dams built in 2005 [warranted for 50 years at cost of around $143,000],
—the State Water Engineers is “aggressively addressing encroachment and property issues” and is said to have issued a mandate to remove all trees [particularly aspen, willow, and cottonwood] from the perimeter of the lakes from the rip rap water line inland 25feet. This mandate is understandable on or a measured distance from the dams themselves, it makes no sense, environmentally or esthetically, to remove trees from the perimeter of the Silver Willow Lake [lower lake, large lake, 20.84 acres], or from the perimeter of the Silver Willow Pond [upper lake, small lake, 5+ acres].
State Division of Water Rights contacts are:
- Dave Marble, Assistant State Engineer – Dam Safety
Email: [email protected]
- Everett Taylor
Email: [email protected] [handling Silver Springs Lakes]
[Meeting not officially posted.]