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  • 2012 July 2nd New Waste Pickup Rules

    2012 July 1st – Republic/Allied New Recycling and Trash Pickup Rules Brochure

    Click on Brochure link above to read how this affects you and your household.

    2012 March 1- Smaller Trash Cans and Twice Monthly Recycle Curbside Pickups Slated for Summit County I would like to know how Christina Caldwell of Earth911.com/news had this information before local reporters or residents knew what service changes were being planned.  Is she connected to Allied/Republic in some way?”It’s a simple idea. The less space you have, the less space you have to store things. The county council in Utah’s Summit County is hoping the same principle applies to trash. In an effort to get more people to recycle, the county wants to reduce the size of curbside trash bins and increase the size of recycling bins, a proposal that could benefit everyone.[However, the opposite is really what is being introduced.  Prior to July 2, 2012 residents had a 65-gallon can to recycle weekly.  After July 2, 2012 residents have a 95-gallon can for recycling every two weeks. Multiply 65 times 4= 260 gallons; multiply 95 times 2= 190 gallons, resulting in 70 less gallons of recyclable capacity per residence, and 120 less gallons of trash capacity per residence.]

    2012 April 24 Trash could save County big bucks
    “Cliff Blonquist, Summit County’s solid waste administrator, said that under the current contract [with Allied/Republic], each house in the county pays $9.90 per-month for trash pickup (3¢ per gallon) and between $5.50 (2¢ gallon), and $8.70 per-month for tote system,  for recycling depending on the location. The new contract will cost $6.80 per-household per-month for trash (3¢) and $2.80 for recycling (1¢ gallon).” [This cut does not represent a cost savings but rather a service cut of 30%.]
    [The new Summit County contract with Allied/Republic diminishes by 30% the amount of trash and recycling the city and county residents can dispose of at their curbs.
    In Silver Springs the current contract picks up roughly 380 gallons of trash and 260 gallons of recycling per month per household.
    The new contract to commence on July 2, 2012 picks up 260 gallons of trash and 190 gallons of recycling materials.
    Right now most houses have a 95-gallon trash can picked up once a week (380 gallons per month).
    The new contract exchanges the 95-gallon trash can with the 65-gallon can picked up once a week (260 gallons per month); a loss of 120 gallons per month.
    Right now most houses have a 65-gallon recycling can picked up once a week. 4 times 65=260 gallons
    The new contract exchanges the 65-gallon can with the 95 gallon can picked up every other week (190); a loss of 70-gallons per month.
    Multiply this out to the 14,000 homes in the county, 120 plus 70 = 190 gallons per month times 2¢ per gallon times 14,000-17,000 houses, times 12 months for a county-wide savings of $510,720 per year.
    Blonquist said this creates just over $510,000 in annual contract savings, and a 30% cutback of trash and recycle curbside pickup service. Calculating the cut in service with the savings demonstrates that though the County may be negotiating less cost they are also negotiating less service for the taxpayers, not a true savings. Though I am mostly a supporter of cutbacks in government spending, I also am a supporter of transparency in a way that I don’t have to sit and figure out what is being contracted on my/our behalf.  If I will have a diminished capacity to discard waste without hauling it myself or paying for an extra can then please say so from the start so we can all adjust or protest!

    2012 April 25 Cleanup receives facelift
    “Don’t expect the Park City Public Works Department to put a dumpster in the neighborhoods like it has for he last 20-plus years… The program’s dumpsters will be available at Recycle Utah on the fourth Friday and fourth Saturday of the month from April until October.”

    2012 May 8 Trash contract may have negative side effects
    [How many residents who were new converts to recycle to the curb will now separately store, bundle, load into their cars, and drive to the recycle center?  Not many. What was a convenience will now become another unpleasant task for busy, overwhelmed residents.]

    2012 May 9 Trash Contract Downside
    “Riepen’s concern is that the [[Park City Public Works monthly Allied dumpster] recycling program my cause fewer residents to visit the center to recycle both regular items and items that Allied Waste will not accept, which will cause a drop in the center’s revenue.”

    2012 May 12 Prepare for trash overhaul
    2012 May 12 Article with Comments.
    [The problem is that the 95-gallon recycling can will only be picked up every other week which translates from the current 272 gallons of recycled materials that is now being picked up (65 X 4 = 272) to 192 gallons (96 X 2) thereby diminishing the amount of recycling materials residents will be able to recycle by 80 gallons per month. According to Cliff Blonquist, Summit County Solid Waste Manager, Allied will not be providing new cans, they will simply be switching the two existing cans and sending their crew out to label each can with the type of use it will have beginning on July 1, 2012. All neighborhoods do not currently have the exact same type of cans and service but this new program will try to make trash collection in our county as uniform as possible.]

    2012 May 12 Annual rite of spring cleaning is now ’spring recycling’
    “A new ethic is slowly taking hold throughout the country, and Summit County is not falling behind.  The annual rite of spring cleaning, the success of which used to be measured in dumpster-loads, is now more about giving away than throwing away.”

    2012 June 30 Area recyclers rewarded with bigger bins.
    Sarah Moffitt wrote a misleading title.  Though we are being required to exchange our 65-gallon and 95-gallon bins the “bigger bins” will only be picked up twice a month thereby decreasing recycle capacity from 260 gallons per month down to 190 gallons per month.   Some parts of Summit County will receive new bins.  The cost of this change and decrease in service has not been reported or advertised.

    2012 July 1st Republic/Allied New Recycling and Trash Pickup Rules Brochure

    Additional articles, information and lists are posted at:  https://www.silverspringscommunity.com/utilities/trash-recycling/

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