• ¤ HISTORY – Our Community
  • ¤ MAPS & PLATS
  • ¤ WATERWAYS : above ground and underground
  • ¤ UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM Homeowners vs Board Dispute

  • Parcel W -Trail-LOST

    Parcel W is the 1979 Developer’s Lake’s Easement to be equally held and used by all property owners. In 1982 Silver Springs Water Company easement around the lakes was modified.  In 1989, via collaboration with the new Developers the walking trail around the lake became the Exclusive Private Enjoyment Easement for the 52 Shoreline Property owner’s exclusive use and access.  However, the Silver Springs Master Association continues to invoice all property owners an equal share of the cost of maintenance, repairs, taxes, insurance, and management though only 52 of the 513 property owners have access to this “Common Area.”

    Other lost Lake Access Parcel descriptions are Parcel I and Parcel K which includes description of the pathway access from Willow Loop to Silver Springs Road.

    1988 – June 21Letter to American Savings regarding lake access and park development.

    1988 – August 23Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting – Jerry Tulley, one of original planners of Silver Springs with Webster and Associates from 1979-1983.  Tulley said the lake front lots were priced as premium lots.  Mr. Tulley said at one time there was a path system around the majority of the lake in the master planning, as consultants were brought on line discussing marketing, property values and liability to the water company it was decided to omit the pathways, specifically those areas  adjacent to the lots.  …The original intent was that these lots owners would have privacy along the lake. …It was decided that lake access would be limited to controllable areas…Mr. Tulley said this was one of the few parcels (H) that was intended to be access for the homeowners to the lake. (the 444′ along the Park Parcel H).

    SSSFHOA President Dale Boschetto explained that the original buyers of lots and homes in Silver Springs East [https://www.silverspringscommunity.com/master-association/silver-springs-east-1979-1989/], beginning with the very first sold lots, were purchased with the understanding that all buyers owned and shared the use of the trail easements around each of the lakes.  When the SouthShore tract changed hands in 1988 the new developers collaborated wherein they wrote a Private Enjoyment Easement Agreement  that was signed on August 2, 1989 stating that “Whereas Grantee has acquired the Development Properties, Grantee desires that purchasers of residential lots bordering the Silver Springs Ponds (the “Lakeview lots”) have exclusive private enjoyment of the Shoreline Property adjoining their respective Lakeview lot; and Whereas in order to achieve that purpose, Grantee desires to acquire from Grantor an exclusive easement from Grantor over and across the Shoreline Property…Now Therefore… Grantor does hereby acknowledge, Grantor does hereby convey to Grantee, its heirs and assigns, a perpetual and exclusive private enjoyment easement over and across the Shoreline Property described on attached Exhibit B June 1, 1989 (and on a plat map Recorded 9/23/1981 as Entry 347494.

    This connivance was accomplished without the knowledge, vote or consent of the original buyers (c. 1978-1989 and this misconception is allowed to persist to this day so that the “trustees” of the Silver Springs Master Association, under the influence of the Shoreline Property owners, can continue to invoice all 513 Master Association property owners for the lake’s repairs, insurance, maintenance, and management of the lakes that only 22 homeowners on the Little Lake and 28 on the Large Lake have full use and access to these “Shoreline Property amenities”. [Barnes-Widdows Development properties are NorthShore lots 1-4 and 6-12, Park Place lots 38-44, Silver Springs lots 47-49 and 193-199, and SouthShore lots 1-11 and 50-60 and LL-SLS lots 1-4 surround the Little Lake = 52 lot owners hold the Private Exclusive Enjoyment Easement while 460 do not.  All 514 are invoiced by the MA at the same rate in spite of much protest and outcry by the homeowners.]

    2005 – May 18 – Letter to Lake Front Property Owners from Anthony Sands, President of the SSMHOA: “As I am sure you all know, the private property owners on the lakes do not own the property that contains the lakes, or the lakeshore. The lots in different subdivisions have different setbacks from the lakes.  In all cases however, the Master Association owns the ground under the water and the lakeshore going up the dam to include the crest of the dam.” [NorthShore lots 1-4 and 6-12, Park Place lots 38-44, Silver Springs lots 47-49 and 193-199, and SouthShore lots 1-11 and 50-60 and LL-SLS lots 1-4 surround the Little Lake, of these however NorthShore lots 1-4 and 6-12 and SouthShore Lots 1-11 back lot property are the dam itself.]


    Enjoyment Easement Map

    Yellow highlights show where the Silver Springs Water Company easements a.k.a. The Enjoyment Easements were located around both the Silver Willow Lake and the Silver Willow Pond, on this1982 map drawn by the J.J.Johnson Engineering Co. for the early developers as a sales tool.

    Recorded in the 1979, 1982, 1994 SSSF CCRs.
    Article IV


    Section 1. Members’ Easements of Enjoyment. Every member shall have a right and easement of enjoyment in and to the common area, if any, and such easement shall be appurtenant to and shall pass with the title to every assessed lot, subject to the following provisions:

    (a)The right of the Association to establish uniform rules and regulations pertaining to the use of the common area including but not limited to private streets and the recreational facilities thereof.

    (b)The right of the Association, in accordance with its Articles and Bylaws, to borrow money for the purpose of improving the common area and facilities and to aid thereof, to mortgage said property, provided that the rights of any mortgagee shall be subordinate to the rights of the members.

    (c)The right of the Association to dedicate or transfer all or any part of the common area to any public agency, authority or utility for such purposes and subject such conditions as may be agreed to by the [general] members. No such dedication or transfer shall be effective unless a written instrument pursuant to a two-thirds majority vote of those present at a meeting for this purpose that has been duly called of members including proxies who are entitled to vote has been recorded, agreeing to such dedication or transfer, and unless written notice of the proposed action is sent to every member not less than ten (10) days in advance. However, the Declarant reserves the right to grant easements over any part of the common area or any other designated utility easement areas for utility purposes.

    American Savings July 1985 Silver Springs Waterway and Access Parcels Plat was drafted by J.J. Johnson Engineering. Several owners went into bankruptcy – Am. Savings took over parcels belonging to InSource, Hazelwood, and others.
    Robert Larsen and Silver Springs Water Co. maintained the water rights.

    Click on map to enlarge

    See list of Silver Springs parcels.

    Silver Springs Water Company logo

    Silver Springs Water Co. manager Lynn Stevens assured the homeowners and the Homeowners Board that the S.S. Water Co. would always allow the 15′ to 25′ buffer zone at the perimeter of the lake to be used as a right-of-way and “Enjoyment Easement” for use by all the HOA members.  See Stevens letter.

    In 1986 Bill Ligety headed an lake owner committee to limit access by outsiders to the lake perimeter therefore HOA members were to carry a S.S.Lake Use I.D. card whenever they used the “Enjoyment Easement” around Silver Willow Lake.

    In 1988 Bill Ligety (Lot 193) and a committee of lake perimeter property owners retained an attorney to assert their sole rights to the lakefront property. Somehow they were able to extend their property rights to the waters edge. Sometime during this procedure the lake access Parcel K next to Lot 193 and beach Parcel I west and contiguous to Lots 47, 48, 49 were absorbed into these respective lots. Park Place Lot 44 absorbed Parcel 8 (B). This action resulted in the HOA General Membership losing its right of access (a prescriptive easement) to the perimeter of the Silver Willow Lake, and limiting the general access to 444 shoreline feet of Parcel H (now the Silver Springs playground park area), to a sliver of Parcels J & R (on the west side of Park Place), and to the pump house Parcel R (150′ belonging to Mountain Regional Water Company).

    Parcel K aka Lake Access parcel aka Tax I.D. Parcel Number PP-98-A-2-A Entry 00298852 Book 497 Page 280 Recorded on October 17, 1988 was deeded by American Savings & Loan by perquisite purchase to William C. Ligety and Cynthia Sharp.

    Enjoyment Easement Map

    In 1989 the Silver Springs Associates, a.k.a. the Developers Michael Barnes, Rick Widdows, and Warren Spieker, in a move to sell the properties in their SouthShore subdivision, provided an Exclusive Private Enjoyment Easement Agreement to the purchasers of lots contiguous with the lakeshore.  In effect this document reserved what was recorded as the General Members easements around the lakes, for the exclusive access and use by the lake view property owners.

    from Silver Springs Community <[email protected]>
    to Bill Noland <[email protected]>
    date Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 10:55 PM
    subject Recap of lake property ownership
    mailed-by gmail.com


    Hi Bill,

    I keep receiving questions about the Enjoyment Easement and the status of ownership and use.
    I would appreciate a statement from you and/or the MA board that I can post on the website that will answer the following questions:

    – When did the homeowners lose the right to walk the perimeter of the lakes? Why?
    – Who owns the land from the back lot lines to the water, under all the water, and across to the back lot line on the other side?
    – If the MA holds title to all that land, and if the MA can only hold Common Area property, then should all the homeowners have access and use?
    – If the MA does not hold title to the easement around the little lake because the last title was held by SSD in the 1970’s and was never transferred to anyone else, then the property became an “ownerless easement” according to the Summit County Recorder.
    – If this is truly the case then does the MA have the responsibility to maintain it? If Mountain Regional did not own the easement how could they transfer it to the MA in 2004?
    – If the MA holds title to all the land around and under the lakes then why can’t all the homeowners use it?
    – Do any of the lake view owners own any of the platted Enjoyment Easement land from their original back lot lines to the water’s edge?  If so, how many on each lake?
    – There is a document titled Private Enjoyment Easement dated around 1989. Is it a recorded document? Or is it attached to Deeds of properties sold by the SSD, Inc. or SSA, Inc. ?
    – Have properties transferred to new purchasers included the Private Enjoyment Easement?
    – Can you provide a copy of the deed that spells out that the MA owns the Enjoyment Easement around both lakes?
    – If lake view owners are presenting a proposal to the MA to purchase the land between their back lot lines to the water, doesn’t that require the vote of  the entire 504 Association Members?
    – If the documented ownership of the Enjoyment Easement can be established won’t it be easier to sort out who truly is responsible for the dams?
    – Since the lake view owners have used the Enjoyment Easement from 1990 or earlier to 2004 does that provide to them Easement by Prescription property rights and ownership?

    Your reply will be appreciated,

    Lucy Archer

    —-For asking the question of Owner access to ALL Silver Springs property, during a Master Association Meeting he was presiding over, Bill Noland, who had given Lucy Archer the floor, became flustered, stood up yelling, “If you don’t sit down right now I am going to have two of these trustees drag you out of this building.”

    1979, 1994 SSSFHOA CCRs “Article 1. Section 2. “Common area” and “common facilities” shall mean all real property owned by the Association for the common use and enjoyment of the members of the Association.”

    An easement is a non-possessory interest to use real property in possession of another person for a stated purpose, such as a right of way for utilities. A prescriptive easement is acquired by continuous, open, uninterrupted, exclusive, and adverse use of the property for ten years. Easement by Prescription
    An unrecorded easement that was acquired after a period of twenty years’ use that was public, continuous, uninterrupted, and peaceable.  Private ways (a road, path or driveway across property belonging to another) are protected after seven years’ use, which must be constant and uninterrupted.

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