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Utah Code 57-8-12. Recording.
(1) The declaration, any amendment, any instrument by which the provisions of this act may be waived, and EVERY INSTRUMENT AFFECTING THE PROPERTY OR ANY UNIT SHALL BE ENTITLED TO BE RECORDED.
1975, |
Utah Code: Title 57: Real Estate |
Utah Condominium Act oversees HOAs in Utah. | Utah State Legislators |
1980, May 29 | AFFIDAVIT By Vern C. Hardman
Vern Hardman is identified as President of S.S.D., Inc. and as the fee simple owner of said Subdivision Phase 1A, the first Silver Springs East tract single family housing]. Hardman is authorized to sign the Owner’s Dedication on Plat entered as Entry No. 157619 | Vern C. Hardman Jr. – President Terry L. Christiansen, Assist. County Attorney |
1989, August 2 |
Exclusive Private Enjoyment Easement AgreementIt is not known whether this Agreement has been recorded separately or if it is an attachment to deeds of lake view lots. |
Easement agreement between Silver Springs Water Co. (Grantor), and Silver Springs Associates. Grantor conveys a perpetual and exclusive private enjoyment easement use over and across its Shoreline Property of both Silver Springs Ponds to the purchasers of lakeview lots bordering the shoreline property adjoining their respective lake view lots. |
Richard Widdows, SSA General Partner; Michael S. Barnes, SSA General Partner; Warren E. Spieker, SSA General Partner; Lynn M. Stevens, Treasurer of Silver Springs Water Company |
1989, Oct 3 1989; October 25, Recorded |
Developer, at its expense, shall provide general draft form documents to help establish a Master Association representing all Homeowners with respect to the common use and access, maintenance, improvement and administration of the common areas within the Subdivision Developer shall execute a Special Warranty Deed for a parcel, hereinafter described and known as the “Park Parcel H” 2.1 acres, to the Homeowners. Developer shall convey the Tennis Court Parcel – 0.67 acre, w/one court. Developer shall convey Southern Berm Parcel – 6.8 acres [The Silver Willow Pond / upper pond was reserved ‘for the private, exclusive use” of the SouthShore lake-front property owners per Private Enjoyment Easement Agreement.] |
Silver Springs Associates: Michael Barnes, General Partner, Warren Spieker, Jr. General Partner Silver Springs Partners, Richard Widdows, General Partner Silver Springs Partners, 1) President, Silver Springs Townhouse Condominium (Silver Meadows Phase) HOA: Heinz K. Somek, 2) President, Meadow Springs HOA: R. Michael McComb, 3) President Quail Meadows I HOA: John C. Wilkinson, 4)President Silver Springs Townhouse (Willow Bend East) HOA: Barbara “Bobby” Schwendiman, 5) President, Silver Springs Homeowners Association: Robert V. Haedt, 6) President, Willow Bend West HOA: Larry Eichner, 7) President, Meadow WildHOA: Jay L. Sittig. Not signed by SouthShore, NorthShore, Ptarmigan, Park Place, The Springs, Quail Meadows II |
1990, Jan 11 |
Developer’s Silver Springs Subdivision Communities Articles of IncorporationRecorded in Summit County July 25, 2008 Entry 851061
Establishes corporate name – Silver Springs Master Homeowners Association; to hold title, lease and acquire rights to be used as common recreational areas for all (7) Homeowner Associations which are members of SSMA; manage common recreational areas; provide forum for discussion; generate funds for maintenance of common properties. Recording in Summit County provides notice to the public of a second level association and makes visible the additional board, rules and assessments connected to the listed properties. |
Michael S. Barnes Robert V. Haedt, Lynn Stevens Scott C. Welling, Esq. [State copy shows signatures by Barnes, Haedt and Stevens with notary as Kathryn Nelson Gold] |
1990, Jan 11 |
Developer’s 1990 DRAFT for the Master Corporation Association BylawsRecorded in Summit County July 25, 2008 Entry 00851062 |
Item 4. Developer shall provide organizational documents in general draft form only. Members are all owners of property within jurisdiction of SSMHOA. Rules for meetings of members; quorum=50%; special assessment requires 66 2/3% of Members; office of trustee may be declared vacant after 3 consecutive absences; limit of 2 year trustee term; special appointments; audits and inspection of books; indemnification. |
Michael S. Barnes, Robert V. Haedt, Lynn Stevens, Scott C. Welling, Esq. [File copies have no signature page(s) and are recorded as such.] Item 9) Majority Approval. It is understood this Agreement is subject to approval of and/or modification by a 2/3 majority of the duly constituted homeowner associations. |
1990, Feb 16 |
1990 Silver Springs Subdivision Communities Articles of IncorporationEntity No. 1063089-0140 [Consent copy with supporting documentation |
Establishes corporate name – Silver Springs Master Homeowners Association; to hold title, lease and acquire rights to be used as common recreational areas for all Homeowner Associations which are members of SSMA; manage common recreational areas; provide forum for discussion; generate funds for maintenance of common properties. | Signatures of the three incorporators as follows: Michael S. Barnes Robert V. Haedt Lynn Stevens |
1990, Aug 24 |
Warranty DeedRecorded in Summit County Entry 328477 |
Deed from SSA to SSMHOA for a period of 50 years Grantee may not sell or lease subject property, etc, Property described in Exhibit A. | Signed by Silver Springs Associates: Michael Barnes and Rick Widdows |
1990, Aug 24 |
PP-91 aka the Tennis court parcel.Area is 0.67 acre.A portion of the Tennis Court parcel (64′ X 132′) belongs to Meadow Springs/Meadow Wild. See section map. | |
1991, Sept 23 |
Special Warranty DeedEntry 347491 Extinguishes Entry 328477 above. |
Silver Springs MHOA Exhibit A – Berm (Parcels R and J Plat) – 1991 Berm and Trail along Highway 224Includes Exhibit A from Book 575 Page 134 |
Silver Springs Master Homeowners Association conveys to Silver Springs Associates, a California General Partnership Signed by Ruth Wagner |
1991, Sept 23 |
Special Warranty Deed
Parent Parcel PP-98-1 aka InSource, Inc./ American Savings Parcel H aka Silver Springs Park aka SOS-A-PARK Area: 2.1 acres. Subject to easements, restrictions and rights of way currently of record and general property taxes for the year 1991 and thereafter. |
Lynn M. Stevens, Sec-Treasurer |
1991, Sept 23 |
Warranty Deed
This conveyance is made from the MHOA to Silver Springs Associates, this property, subject to the following express deed restrictions for fifty years: may not sell or lease for profit; property may only be used as a park or open space; may not use property for commercial purpose except single event like festival. |
Silver Springs Associates conveys to Silver Springs Master Homeowners Assoc.
Signed by Rick Widdows Michael Barnes |
1991, Oct 9 |
Quit Claim Deed from
Parcel PP-98-A-10 aka Silver Willow Lake, aka Lower Pond, aka American Savings Parcel F, aka the large lake. Area of 20.84 acres. |
1998, Jan 30 |
Water Rights and Use AgreementEntry 498635 |
Around 239 pages of documents beginning in 1972 with the Wallin Agreement. This entry attempts to clarify the use of the water supply from Spring Creek Springs. Includes Weber River Decree; Willow Creek; Red Pine Creek; Murnin Trust A and B; Steven G. Barrett, Thomas M. Barrett, and John R. Barrett; and more. | Various – depending on the several documents. Includes Maud L. Snyder and Ralph and Marie Wallin. |
2001, May 18 |
Quit Claim Deed from Silver Springs Associates to Silver Springs Master HOA00589411.pdfEntry 589411 |
Conveys Berm Parcel SOS-A-BERM “SouthShore at Silver Springs Subdivision, Plat A, according to the official plat recorded September 23, 1991 as Entry 347494 |
Silver Springs Associates conveys to Silver Springs Master Homeowners Association.Signed by Michael S. Barnes |
2001, June 1 |
Resolution No. 2001-21Entry 00590381 |
The Utah Special Service District Act 17A-2-1327 of the Utah Code Annotated 1997, provides that additional land from that specified in the resolution establishing a special service district… This property is generally described as those properties receiving water service from the Silver Springs Water Company as described in Exhibit A (surveyor notations) | Commissioners: Shauna Kerr Patrick Cone Eric Schifferli |
2001, June 29 signed; |
Warranty Deed
—PP-98-A-6 aka Silver Willow Pond aka Duck Pond aka American Savings Parcel G aka the little lake aka Upper pond. Area is 5.24 acres. —Parcel PP-98-A-10 aka Silver Willow Lake, aka Lower Pond, aka American Savings Parcel F, aka the large lake. Area is 20.84 acres. —PP-A-1-Aaka “Pump Station on Lower Pond”, area is 0.02 acre |
2001, June 2 |
Conveyance of Easement from Silver Springs Water Company to Mountain Regional Water Special Service DistrictEntry 655059 Also Includes Exhibit A Dated May 11, 1979 Also Includes Exhibit B |
Signed by Doug Evans, President Silver Springs Water Co.Exhibit A: signed by Paul R. Anderson Partner, Silver Springs Investors |
2001, Aug 28 |
Silver Springs Water Company, a Partnership, canceled in its entirety, all of its right, title and interest in and to 1,250 acre feet of water and assigns to Mountain Regional Water Special Service District | Robert M. Larsen Doug Evans-Manager John Mabey-Counsel Norman J. Montgomery of Weber Basin Con. District |
2001, Aug 28 |
Nov 24, 1975 Ralph W. and Marie W. Wallin purchased 130 acre feet of water from Weber Basin, and said water was transferred to other parties, it is not transferred to WBCD. | Robert M. Larsen Doug Evans-Manager John Mabey-Counsel Norman J. Montgomery of Weber Basin Con. District |
2002, April 17 |
Quit Claim Deed for NorthShore ParcelsNorthshore Silver Springs Subdivision No. 1-G Plat B Entry 616573 |
Recording Date 04/18/2002 Tax District 13 – PCSD A,J,K,N,U (C-C) (E-E) Acres 0.87 Parcel 1: NSS-A-CA Common Area, Parcel 2: NSS-B-WA Wetlands Tract A, Parcel 3: NSS-B-WOS Wetlands No. 1-G, Plat B Entry 326685. |
Deeded From Silver Springs Associates to Silver Springs Master Homeowners Association Signed by Michael Barnes |
2003, April 16 |
Conveyance of EasementEntry 00655059 |
Conveys from Grantor to Mountain Regional Water all all of Grantor’s right title and interest in and to that certain Grant of Easement dated May 11, 1979.Exhibits are surveyors notations. | Doug Evans, President of Silver Springs Water Co. |
2003, June 18 |
Partial Satisfaction of LienEntry 00662308 |
Releases some of the liens placed against Silver Springs homeowner properties after Silver Springs Water Co. defaulted on their payments to WBWCD | Tage I. Flint, Secretary-General Manager/CEO of Weber Basin Water Conservancy District |
2003, July 2 |
Resolution 2003-16Entry 00664146 |
Commissioners to submit an opinion to the voters of the proposed “Snyderville Basin Public Transit District” to impose a tax of .25% within the District’s boundaries. | Board of Commissioners Shauna L. Kerr Bob Richer Ken Woolstenhulme |
2003, Aug. 26 |
Mountain Regional Water Remediation PlanNot recorded. |
Silver Springs Ponds – Park City, Utah | No signatures. |
2004, June 23 |
2004 Lakes Conveyance and Water Supply AgreementSee in Clerk’s Office Entry –N.A. EXHIBIT A – Legal Description EXHIBIT B – Warranty Deed EXHIBIT C – four maps [Agreement is unrecorded, not voted on by General Members or MA Board.] |
Primarily the lakes are for water storage by Mtn. Regional — PP-98-A-6 aka Silver Willow Pond aka Duck Pond aka American Savings Parcel G aka the Little Lake aka Upper pond. Area is 5.24 acres. — Parcel PP-98-A-10 aka Silver Willow Lake, aka Lower Pond, aka American Savings Parcel F, aka the Large Lake aka Lower Pond. Area is 20.84 acres.— PP-A-1-Aaka “Pump Station on Lower Pond“, area is 0.02 acre.(1) Mtn Regional reserves to the District all water rights, any water system infrastructure, dams, and any easements related to the water system, etc located in Silver Springs Developments; (6) Association to assume responsibility for maintenance (see list) and items (10)a-h list. “The water stored in lakes for future irrigation system and fire protection purposes; provide desirable(?) amenity to the Association (lake view property owners).” This Agreement includes summer water flow; there is nothing addressing winter water flow from upper elevation users. |
Richard Anthony Sands – President, Silver Springs Master Association Ken E. Woolstenhulme – Summit County Commissioner Kent Jones- Summit County Clerk told me this document does not need to be recorded. June 10, 2004 and June 23, 2004 S.C. Commission Minutes are at bottom of document page. The W.D. is recorded. See next document |
2004, June 23 date signed; 2004, July 14 date recorded. |
Exhibit B —Parcel 1 (F) aka PP-98-A-6 Area is 20.82 acres aka American Savings Parcel F aka Park lake aka Silver Willow Lake–Parcel 2 in Parcel H aka “Pump Station on Lower Pond”, PP-A-1-A area is 0.02 acre —Parcel 3 (Q) Inlet to the Lower Pond from the fish ladder and Plat C drainage channel.—Parcel 4 (G) is 5.24 acres, aka American Savings Parcel G, aka PP-98-A-10 aka Silver Willow Pond aka Upper Pond, aka Duck Pond aka the little lake. PP-A-1-A |
Ken E. Woolstenhulme aka Duck Pond aka American Savings Parcel G aka the little lake aka Upper pond. |
2005, Jan 21 |
2005 MHOA Dev-HOA Agreement Amendment
The common areas properties described in the 1989 Agreement are hereby expanded to include the lakes that are described on attached Exhibit 1 (the “Lakes”). No deed to SSMHOA for Upper Pond aka Silver Willow Pond. For purposes of allocating common area expenses, the |
Not signed by SSSFHOA; Not signed by Quail Meadows II HOA; Signed by: 1) Silver Meadows HOA Treasurer Tim Sattelmeier, 2) Willow Bend West HOA President Mark Rasmussen, 3) Meadow Springs HOA Pres. F. Whit Logan, 4) Quail Meadows Phase One Pres. Anthony Sands, 5) Meadow Wild HOA Pres J.R. Goryl, 6) Willow Bend East HOA Pres. Isa Wright, 7) NorthShore HOA Pres. Mark Seltenrich, 8) Southshore HOA Pres. Ron Duyker, 9) Ptarmigan HOA Manager John Buchhammer, 10) Park Place HOA Pres. Ralph Stanislaw, 11) Springs HOA Pres Wm S. Rusconi |
2005, Feb 01 |
MHOA Conflict of Interest Policy
Every Board and committee member has a fiduciary duty to the Master Homeowners Association |
As defined by the Utah Code of Ethics and by legal counsel to the MHOA. |
2009, May 28Updated 2009, December 28 |
Utah Code:
“Association” means a corporation or other legal entity, each member of which is an owner of a residential lot located within the jurisdiction of the association, as described in the governing documents; and by virtue of membership or ownership of a residential lot is obligated to pay: (A) real property taxes; (B) insurance premiums; (C) maintenance costs; or (D) for improvement of real property not owned by the member. “Association” or “homeowner association” does not include an association created under Title 57, Chapter 8, Condominium Ownership Act. |
Utah State Legislature |
2013, 2014, 2015 |
Master Association Website |
Documents Page -Few documents. Some are duplicate entries, MA entries are in red font. Our explanations are in black type. |
Compare the MA website shared information to the 175 pages on this Website. |
2018 |
Watercraft Rules and Impound Packet |
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Document Index Compiled by Lucy Archer
Work is in progress.
Last revised 6/22/08
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