• ¤ HISTORY – Our Community
  • ¤ MAPS & PLATS
  • ¤ WATERWAYS : above ground and underground
  • ¤ UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM Homeowners vs Board Dispute

  • — MA – HISTORY


    Silver Springs MA History

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    1988 – August 8American Savings Letter Regarding the Community Parcels – Ryan Richards, Legal Counsel.

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    1989 – June 1 – Memorandum Overview from Developers with map to SSSF, WBW, WBE, Meadow Springs, Silver Springs Townhouses.
    1989 – June 2 – Letter from Barnes (Developer) to Boschetto, Adams, Mitchell.
    1989 – June 12 – Letter to from Adams to Scott Welling, Dick Mitchell, Rick Hovey
    1989 – June 13 – Reply Memorandum from Developers to Silver Springs SF HOA Regarding Parcels
    1989 – June 16 – Ongoing Negotiations

    1989 – Larry Eichner, Willowbend West HOA board president proposed to transfer the responsibility for the tennis courts to the newly being formed SSMHOA. Willowbend West held outright title to the Tennis Courts (one or both courts?). The WBW board and members saw the amenity as an albatross and wanted to be rid of the expense of maintenance and liability insurance so Larry made an arrangement, “Plan L” with Mike Barnes (the SSA developer) for the Tennis Courts to be part of the 1990 Developer-Homeowner Agreement to transfer a Special Warranty Deed to the Homeowners. [A Special Warranty Deed gave Barnes’s promise to transfer the property “to each of the Homeowner Associations named herein” limited to his period of ownership. It is a deed of title to real property by which the grantor warrants that he is not personally responsible for any title defects, but making no warranties or representations as to the quality of the title in other respects.]

    1989 – August 2 EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE ENJOYMENT EASEMENT AGREEMENT – Not Recorded; provided to SouthShore and Silver Willow Lake property purchasers at closing. Easement agreement between Silver Springs Water Co. (Grantor), and Silver Springs Associates (Grantee).  Grantor conveys a perpetual and exclusive private enjoyment easement use over and across its Shoreline Property of both Silver Springs Ponds to the purchasers of lakeview lots bordering the shoreline property adjoining their respective lake view lots.

    1989 – October 3 DEVELOPER-HOMEOWNER AGREEMENT SILVER SPRINGS SUBDIVISION DEVELOPER-HOMEOWNER AGREEMENT SILVER SPRINGS SUBDIVISION Entry # 318770 Book 550 Pages 111-131. Signed by developers and seven subdivision presidents listed below, states that Developer, at its expense, shall provide general draft form documents to establish a Master Association representing all Homeowners to assist the individual associations with respect to the common use and access, maintenance, improvement and administration of the common areas within the Subdivision. [The individual associations have never produced final documents to establish the Silver Springs Master Association, therefore there is truly only a Corporation, the MHOA Corporation, signed by the developer Barnes, by Robert Haedt, and by Lynn Stevens (S.S.Water Co.). The MA board is operating with the developers 1990 draft Bylaws, unsigned, and without CCRs.]

    • The Developers had purchased in 1989 from American Savings all of the real property held by this bank that was within the Silver Springs Subdivision along with certain additional parcels which the Summit County Master Plan indicated as being for use as open, common, and/or recreational areas. Provisions within at least one of the CCRs for the individual HOAs require that common areas shall be transferred by the original declarant, its successors or assigns, to the respective HOA upon designation of a property or properties as common area. The official Summit County Master Plan does not clearly identify which areas within Silver Springs are to be designated and used as common areas. However, the Summit County Planning Commission has resolved that one of the interior parcels should be set aside for the recreational use of the Homeowners without identifying a specific parcel, thus continuing the ambiguity and uncertainty as to the amount, location, and administration of the subdivision common areas.
    • The Developer seeking to proceed with its various projects within Silver Springs agreed to identify and convey certain parcels to the seven subdivisions identified below in an effort to establish a harmonious relationship between them, himself, the County. And sought to resolve claims which the Homeowners had against predecessor developers, and American Savings, etc.
    • The Developer conveyed the Park parcel to each of the homeowner associations named in this Agreement providing 2/3 of these associations had executed this Agreement within 60 days (from “immediate” date) in accordance with the regulations (ex. CCRs) of each respective HOA.
    • The Developer conveyed the Tennis Court Parcel PP-91, located in the southeastern portion of the Silver Springs Subdivision, with a Special Warranty Deed to each of the HOAs named in the Agreement. The Tennis Court Parcel includes one of two tennis courts, is approximately .67 acre, and includes an adjacent small open area with a playground and picnic pavilion. The second court is shown on Section map SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Section 30 T 1 S, R 4 E as belonging to Meadow Spring and its parent Meadow Wild Condominiums HOA.
    • The Developer conveyed the 6.8 acre Southern Parcel R Berm with a Special Warranty Deed to all of the HOAs named in the Agreement. The Developer agreed, but was under no obligation, to complete an addition of earthen material to this berm to increase the height along Highway 224 for noise reduction and privacy for the homes he was to build east of the berm.
    • The Developer represented that a 15 foot access easement which is located approximately between SouthShore Lots A-13 and C-12 (designated at that time as SLS-F-183-184) would provide access to and from the interior road, Silver Springs Road, and to and from the berm and walking trail, for the use and benefit of all Silver Springs Homeowners. The southern end of this parcel commences in the vicinity of the main Silver Springs Drive entrance from Highway 224, then proceeds in a northerly direction ending north of the northwest portion of the large pond at the Silver Springs Road (north entrance) to the Subdivision.
    • At this point (Item 4) in the Agreement the Developer agreed to coordinate meetings and notification to the HOAs to initiate the organization of a Master Homeowners Association. —The Developer agreed, at its expense, to provide general draft form documents suitable for establishing an organizational format for maintenance, improvement, and administration of the common areas.
    • The individual associations acting as a group were to provide final documents outlining specific details as to the nature and extent of improvements to the common areas, the cost thereof, procedure for levying common area expense assessments, and method for the enforcement of such assessment authority, etc. As of 2010 this is yet to be done.
    • This Agreement gave one (1) vote to each HOA which submitted itself to the authority of the Master Association in connections with any matter put to a vote under the Articles of Incorporation or the Bylaws of the Master Association.
    • The expenses for the common areas were to include taxes (which are now assessed by the county to our individual tax bills), assessments, and insurance. The remainder of Items 5 and 6 relate to the development of SouthShore.
    • Item 7 of the Agreement is a Release of Claims whereby the Homeowners release the Developer and American Savings from any and all liabilities, claims, expenses, etc., in any way connected to the common park, recreational and/or open space, or any agreement between any parties and any Subdivision homeowner association, including, but not limited to, access points and requested access points to any pond or water course within the Subdivision. This Agreement is considered binding under Rule408 of the Utah Rules of Evidence.
    • Item 9. Majority Approval. It is understood that this Agreement is subject to approval of and/or modification by a 2/3 majority of the duly constituted homeowner associations representing property owners within the subdivision. [Seven out of thirteen subdivisions signed this agreement, not a majority in the 2000 count. The six subdivisions that did not agree nor sign this Agreement feel they have the right to resign their participation in the MHOA.]

    1989 – NOTE:Silver Springs Associates: President: Michael S. Barnes (Developer); Richard Widdows (Developer); Warren Spieker, Jr. (Developer); Registered Agent: Scott C. Welling (Attorney)

    1) Meadow Springs (Meadow Wild) Condos – First deed recorded in 1980. – Pres. R. Michael McComb
    2) Quail Meadow Condos – First recorded in 1982. – Pres. John C. Wilkinson
    3) Silver Meadow (Silver Springs Townhome Condos) – First recorded in 1981. – Pres Heinz Somek
    4) Silver Springs SF – First recorded in 1980. – Pres. Dale Boschetto (resigned June 27, 1989); Pres. Bob Haedt
    5) SouthShore SF – First recorded in 1989-1991. Developer Michael Barnes
    6) Willowbend East Condos (Silver Springs Townhouses) – First recorded in 1983 – Pres. Bobbie Schwendiman
    7) Willowbend West Condos – First recorded in 1984, marketed as The Village. – Pres. Larry Eichner (Jonathan Ruga)

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    1990 – October 3 – January 11 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION for Silver Springs Subdivision (Communities) Master Association. Entry 851061 Book 1941 Page 1780 Pages 44

    Established corporate name – Silver Springs Master Homeowners Association; -to hold title, lease and acquire rights to be used as common recreational areas for all Homeowner Associations which are members of SSMA; -to manage common recreational areas; -to provide forum for discussion; -to generate funds for maintenance of common properties.

    1990 – January 11MASTER ASSOCIATION DRAFT BYLAWS—-Members are all owners of property within jurisdiction of SSMHOA. Rules for meetings of members; quorum=50%; special assessment requires 66 2/3% of Members; office of trustee may be declared vacant after 3 consecutive absences; limit of 2 year trustee term; special appointments; audits and inspection of books; indemnification.  Silver Springs Homeowners’ Association name is relinquished to the SSMA by Silver Springs Phases 1A through 1E homeowners. The newly formed HOA will be called the Silver Springs Single Family Homeowners’ Association.  The MA juxtaposition now incorporates the documents, agreements, and responsibilities of the Silver Springs [East] Homeowners’ Association beginning in 1979.


    1) Meadow Wild Condos – Pres Nancy Phipps
    2) NorthShore SF – first deed recorded this year.
    3) Ptarmigan Townhomes – First recorded this year.
    4) Quail Meadows I Condos – Pres. Sandra Sheelock
    5) Silver Meadows Townhomes –
    6) Silver Springs SF – Pres. Bob Haedt; Pres. James Coker
    7) SouthShore SF –
    8) Willowbend East Condos – Pres. Bobbie Schwendiman
    9) Willowbend West Condos –


    First MHOA Board was established: President: Michael S. Barnes (Developer); Pres. SSSFHOA Robert Haedt; Lynn Stevens (Silver Springs Water Co. Representative)

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    1) Meadow Wild Condos –
    2) NorthShore SF – Pres. Jane Washington
    3) Ptarmigan Townhomes – first deed recorded this year
    4) Quail Meadows I Condos –
    5) Silver Meadows Townhomes –
    6) Silver Springs SF – Pres Gil Hodges (resigned Oct? 1991)
    7) SouthShore SF –
    8) Willowbend East Condos –
    9) Willowbend West Condos –

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    1) Meadow Wild Condos –
    2) NorthShore SF –
    3) Park Place SF – First deed recorded this year.
    4) Ptarmigan Twnhs – first deed recorded this year.
    5) Quail Meadows I Condos –
    6) Silver Meadows Condos –
    7) Silver Springs SF –
    8) SouthShore SF –
    9) Willowbend East Condos –
    10) Willowbend West Condos –


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    1) Meadow Wild Condos –
    2) NorthShore SF –
    3) Park Place SF – Pres. Doug Porter
    4) Ptarmigan Twnhs –
    5) Quail Meadows I Condos –
    6) Silver Meadows Condos –
    7) Silver Springs SF – Pres. Ron Yokubison
    8) SouthShore SF –
    9) Willowbend East Condos –
    10) Willowbend West Condos –


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    1) Meadow Wild Condos –
    2) NorthShore SF –
    3) Park Place SF –
    4) Ptarmigan Twnhs –
    5) Quail Meadows I Condos –
    6) Silver Meadows Condos –
    7) Silver Springs SF – Pres. Fred Stayrook
    9) Willowbend East Condos –
    10) Willowbend West Condos-


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    1) Meadow Spring SF – first deed recorded this year.
    2) Meadow Wild Condos –
    3) NorthShore SF –
    4) Park Place SF –
    5) Ptarmigan Twnhs –
    6) Quail Meadows I Condos –
    7) Silver Meadows Condos –
    8) Silver Springs SF – Pres. Ron Yokubison (resigned May 8, 1995); Pres Mike McMahon
    9) SouthShore SF –
    10) Willowbend East Condos –
    11) Willowbend West Condos –


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    1) Meadow Spring SF –
    2) Meadow Wild Condos –
    3) NorthShore SF –
    4) Park Place SF – Pres. Todd Wassick (wife Trinka)
    5) Ptarmigan Twnhs –
    6) Quail Meadows I Condos –
    7) Quail Meadows II Twnhs – QL MEAD THMS – first deed recorded was this year
    8) Silver Meadows Condos –
    9) Silver Springs SF – Pres. Wayne Courtney
    10) SouthShore SF –
    11) Willowbend East Condos –
    12) Willowbend West Condos –


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    1) Meadow Spring SF –
    2) Meadow Wild Condos –
    3) NorthShore SF –
    4) Park Place SF – Pres. Todd Wassick
    5) Ptarmigan Twnhs –
    6) Quail Meadows I Condos –
    7) Quail Meadows II Twnhs –
    8) Silver Meadows Condos –
    9) Silver Springs SF – Pres. Wayne Courtney
    10) SouthShore SF –
    11) Willowbend East Condos –
    12) Willowbend West Condos –


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    1) Meadow Spring SF –
    2) Meadow Wild Condos –
    3) NorthShore SF –
    4) Park Place SF –
    5) Ptarmigan Twnhs –
    6) Quail Meadows I Condos –
    7) Quail Meadows II Twnhs –
    8) Silver Meadows Condos –
    9) Silver Springs SF – Pres. Bill Klusman
    10) SouthShore SF –
    11) Willowbend East Condos –
    12) Willowbend West Condos –


    mountain peaks


    1) Meadow Spring SF –
    2) Meadow Wild Condos –
    3) NorthShore SF –
    4) Park Place SF –
    5) Ptarmigan Twnhs –
    6) Quail Meadows I Condos –
    7) Quail Meadows II Twnhs –
    8) Silver Meadows Condos –
    9) Silver Springs SF – Pres. Bruce Feyerabend
    10) SouthShore SF –
    11) Willowbend East Condos –
    12) Willowbend West Condos –


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    1) Meadow Spring SFPres. Rhetta Burton
    2) Meadow Wild Condos – Pres. Bruce Raunick, V.P. /Pat Snyder
    3) NorthShore SF – V.P. Karen Emerson
    4) Park Place SF – Pres. Ralph Stanislaw
    5) Ptarmigan Twnhs – Pres. Les Carriel
    6) Quail Meadows I Condos – Pres. Jeff Kelley
    7) Quail Meadows II Twnhs -Pres. Robbie McCallen
    8) Silver Meadows Condos – Pres. Scott Gordon
    9) Silver Springs SF – Pres. Brodie Pollard
    10) SouthShore SF – Pres. Hank Kiel
    11) The Springs SF – SPR-1-AM -First deed recorded this year.
    12) Willowbend East Condos –
    13) Willowbend West Condos – Pres. Boyd Hansen
    Webmasters: Clay and Lucy Archer for www.silverspringshoa.org
    MA Manager/Bookkeeper : Robyn Bailey (Paid position since 1990)


    Ralph Stanislaw worked for three years to build our two Silver Springs Community rock monument entry signs. Pat Fraleigh assisted him and contributed to the design.


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    1) Meadow Spring SF -Pres. Whit Logan
    2) Meadow Wild Condos –
    3) NorthShore SF -Pres. Pat Fraleigh?
    4) Park Place SF – Pres. Ralph Stanislaw?
    5) Ptarmigan Twnhs –
    6) Quail Meadows I Condos – Pres. Jeff Kelley ?
    7) Quail Meadows II Twnhs -Pres Anthony Sands?
    8) Silver Meadows Condos – Tim Sattelmeier?
    9) Silver Springs SF – Pres. Ron Yokubison
    10) SouthShore SF -Pres. Hank Kiel, Pres. Ron Duyker?
    11) The Springs SF –
    12) Willowbend East Condos – Pres. Sigi Verhalen (?)
    13) Willowbend West Condos –

    Waterways: Matt Lindon

    Webmasters: Clay and Lucy Archer for www.silverspringshoa.org
    MA Manager/Bookkeeper : Robyn Bailey (Paid position since 1990)


    mountain peaks


    1) Meadow Spring SF -Pres. Whit Logan
    2) Meadow Wild Condos –
    3) NorthShore SF -Pres. Pat Fraileigh
    4) Park Place SF – Pres. Ralph Stanislaw
    5) Ptarmigan Twnhs –
    6) Quail Meadows I Condos – Pres. Jeff Kelley
    7) Quail Meadows II Twnhs -Pres Anthony Sands
    8) Silver Meadows Condos –
    9) Silver Springs SF – Pres. Jerry Romero
    10) SouthShore SF -Pres. Hank Kiel, Pres. Ron Duyker
    11) The Springs SF –
    12) Willowbend East Condos – Pres. Sigi Verhalen (?)
    13) Willowbend West Condos –

    Waterways: Matt Lindon

    Webmasters: Clay and Lucy Archer for www.silverspringshoa.org; Mike Farkas updated some pages.
    MA Manager/Bookkeeper : Robyn Bailey (Paid position since 1990)

    ~ Ralph Stanislaw spearheaded the effort to create a new entrance marker on the triangular parcel of land belonging to Home Savings.

    ~ “The Master Association and a group of lake front owners is continuing to address ownership and upkeep of our lake areas with Mountain Regional Water Company and our county commissioners.”

    ~ “Mountain Regional is proposing massive increases to our water rates.”

    ~ “Speaking of Water recent rain has not helped much with our 5 year drought. We live in the second driest state, second only to Nevada. The french drain (underdrain) system started by the developer aggravates the dryness by pulling away the water from our lawns and landscaping.”

    ~ Jerry Romero headed up committee to replace the Community streetlights with black post lights similar to those in NorthShore-Ranch Place at a cost of $1,700 each times 32 post lights.

    ~ The Common Areas were noted as being poorly maintained during this summer.

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    2004 – June 23 – 2004 Lakes Conveyance and Water Supply Agreement Not recorded. Found in Clerk’s Office. Conveys to the Silver Springs MA the liability and responsibility for maintenance for “PP-98-A-6” aka Silver Willow Pond” aka Duck Pond aka American Savings Parcel G aka the Little Lake aka Upper pond. Area is 5.24 acres.….. Parcel P or Q “Inlet to the Lower Pond”….. Parcel “PP-98-A-10” aka Silver Willow Lake, aka Lower Pond, aka American Savings Parcel F, aka the Large Lake aka Lower Pond. Area of 20.84 acres……“PP-A-1-A”aka “Pump Station on Lower Pond“, area is 0.02 acre. Mountain Regional has purchased Silver Springs Water Co lakes (aka ponds) and its water distribution system, etc. located in Silver Springs Developments; Association to assume responsibility for ownership and maintenance; water stored in lakes for future irrigation system and fire protection purposes; provide desirable amenity to the Association.
    Problem:  The  Association Members in Silver Springs were not notified of this pending conveyance, neither did they have an opportunity to vote on this action. 
    An affidavit written by the MA “manager” (11/2009) states that not all of the 13 subdivision presidents were notified to attend the meeting when this Agreement was to be discussed and voted on by the presidents. Some of the presidents did not attend the meeting because they were not in agreement. Only one signature from the MA was required by Mountain Regional to convey the lakes.  This signor said he would never have signed this Agreement had he known that the whole community was not in agreement or in support of this transaction.

    1) Meadow Spring SF -Pres. Whit Logan
    2) Meadow Wild Condos -Pres. Les Carriel (?)
    3) NorthShore SF – Pres. Rick Hovey
    4) Park Place SF -Pres. Ralph Stanislaw
    5) Ptarmigan Twnhs -Manager John Buckhammer
    6) Quail Meadows I Condos -Pres. Anthony Sands
    7) Quail Meadows II Twnhs –
    8) Silver Meadows Condos – Pres. Brad Jensen
    9) Silver Springs SF – Pres. Jerry Romero
    10) SouthShore SF -Pres. Ron Duyker
    11) The Springs SF – Pres. Bill Rusconi
    12) Willowbend East Condos -Pres. Lynn Carmen
    13) Willowbend West Condos – Pres. Larry Eichner

    Webmasters: Clay and Lucy Archer for www.silverspringshoa.org
    MA Manager/Bookkeeper : Robyn Bailey (Paid position since 1990)


    ~   There was no vote on the Lake Conveyance or on the tiered and increased assessments by the General Members. The MA imposed a new tiered system for impending repairs to the newly transferred lakes.  8/27/2004 Romero: “I am concerned about the Master’s wanting to raise the rates $100 for non-lake residents, the fee for lake residents is set to increase $125 per year.  This dialogue started as the result of taking over the ownership of the lakes….but given the ownership issue of those around the lakes, how can a system be created to fund the lakes and who will pay?”

    ~ “Some of the Board Members would like to see the MA web site at www.silverspringshoa.org more active. Jerry Romero said he would examine it this winter.”

    ~ “Masters owns right of way on the perimeter of the lakes.”  Pervading Association Member question: If the MA owns all the Common Areas in Silver Springs, and if the perimeter of the lakes is Common Area owned by the MA, and if the General Members pay the MA to maintain these areas, then why can’t the Members use all the Common Areas?

    mountain peaks


    1) Meadow Spring SF – F. Whit Logan
    2) Meadow Wild Condos – James R. Goryl?
    3) NorthShore SF – Mark Seltenrich
    4) Park Place SF – Ralph Stanislaw
    5) Ptarmigan Twnhs – Manager – John Buchhammer
    6) Quail Meadows I Condos – Pres. Richard Anthony Sands
    7) Quail Meadows II Twnhs – Jane Samson?
    8) Silver Meadows Condos – Treasurer – Tim Sattelmeier
    9) Silver Springs SF – Pres. Skip Domenick;
    Aug. 30 -Pres. Jerry Romero
    10) SouthShore SF – Ron Duyker
    11) The Springs SF – William S. Rusconi
    12) Willowbend East Condos – Isa Wright
    13) Willowbend West Condos – Mark Rasmussen

    Waterways: Leslie Carriel 647-5767(dams, facilities), Gaylynn Mooney (chemicals); Eric Fraleigh (Rec. Use)
    Webmaster: Clay and Lucy Archer for www.silverspringshoa.org

    MA Manager/Bookkeeper: Robyn Bailey (Paid position since 1990)

    2005 – January 21 – 2005 MHOA Dev-HOA Agreement Amendment – written by Dave Johnson at Richard Anthony Sands’ request. Document was signed by some of the above subdivision representatives.Signatures were not notarized. General Members did not vote approval.
    2005 – September 8 – Pre-meeting at PPES for Lake Committee plans. Romero addressed the 44 people in attendance.
    The Sewer District can not allow the lake to be drained until later this month when the pipe line they are adding is complete.


    Lakes and facilities received last year are found to be in dire need of maintenance and repair. MHOA board implemented a tiered Special Assessment to cover costs:

    Spec.Assess 126 Condos @$180 = $22,680.
    Spec.Assess 322 SglFam @$225 = $74,700
    Spec.Assess 56 Lakeview @$270 =$15,120.
    Total Assessment = $112,500S.A. + $32,000.MtnReg. + $88,550 = $201,050. Income
    ($88,550 is annual MA assessment to its Members)

    Total Savings in reserve:$49,766 + Checking Bal. $25,067 = $74,833.

    Silver Willow Lake is drained and tons of goldfish are removed.
    Cross Marine makes repairs to dams and facilities at cost of $145,000. Twenty year Warranty?

    mountain peaks


    1) Meadow Spring SF –
    2) Meadow Wild Condos –
    3) NorthShore SF – Pres. Bruce Emerson
    4) Park Place SF -Pres. Ralph Stanislaw (?)
    5) Ptarmigan Twnhs – Manager John Buckhammer
    6) Quail Meadows I Condos –
    7) Quail Meadows II Twnhs –
    8) Silver Meadows Condos – Pres. Phil Tisovec, V.P. Tim Sattlemeier
    9) Silver Springs SF – Pres. Skip Domenick, nominee Jerry Romero
    10) SouthShore SF -Pres. Ron Duyker(?)
    11) The Springs SF –
    12) Willowbend East Condos –
    13) Willowbend West Condos –

    Waterways: Leslie Carriel 647-5767 (dams, facilities), Gaylynn Mooney (chemicals); Eric Fraleigh (Rec Use)
    Webmaster: No one.

    MA Manager/Bookkeeper: Robyn Bailey (Paid position since 1990)


    mountain peaks


    1) Meadow Spring SF –
    2) Meadow Wild Condos – Pres. Rosemary Craighill
    3) NorthShore SF – Pres. Cindy Stoltman 645-8341
    4) Park Place SF –
    5) Ptarmigan Twnhs –
    6) Quail Meadows I Condos –
    7) Quail Meadows II Twnhs –
    8) Silver Meadows Condos – Pres.
    Philip Tisovec 640-0310, Sec. Tim Sattelmeier
    9) Silver Springs SF – Pres. Skip Domenick, nominee Jerry Romero
    10) SouthShore SF –
    11) The Springs SF – resigned from MA participation
    12) Willowbend East Condos –
    13) Willowbend West Condos – Pres. Mark Rasmussen

    Waterways: Leslie Carriel 647-5767(dams, facilities), Gaylynn Mooney (chemicals); Eric Fraleigh (Rec Use)
    Webmaster: No one.

    MA Manager/Bookkeeper: Robyn Bailey (Paid position since 1990)


    mountain peaks


    2008 President: Jerry Romero – (Aug 30, 2005- resigned April 21, 2008)
    2008: Interim President: Lucy Archer (May 19, 2008-June 19, 2008) (5 + 2 votes)
    2008 Interim President: Michael Winer (June 19, 2008- Oct 13, 2008)

    2008 Interim Secretary: Jane Washington 649-1213 (June 19, 2008- Nov 2008)
    2008 Interim Secretary: Philip Tisovec 640-0310 (Nov 2008- January 9, 2009)
    Waterways: Leslie Carriel 647-5767 : Gaylynn Mooney (chemicals); Eric Fraleigh (Recreational use)
    Webmaster: Lucy Archer (November 2000 and again March 2008 to present) for www.silverspringshoa.org and for www.silverspringscommunity.com

    MA Manager/Bookkeeper: Robyn Bailey 645-9342 (Paid position since 1990)

    1) Meadow Spring SF – Whit Logan
    2) Meadow Wild Condos – Pres. Rosemary Craighill
    3) NorthShore SF – Pres. Richard O’Conor (resigned June 2008); Pres. Jane Washington
    4) Park Place SF – Pres. Jane Hamilton
    5) Ptarmigan Twnhs – Pres. Allen Durfee
    6) Quail Meadows I Condos – Richard Anthony Sands
    7) Quail Meadows II Twnhs – Pres. Nancy Samson 649-4614
    8) Silver Meadows Condos – Pres.
    Philip Tisovec 640-0310
    9) Silver Springs SF – Sec. Lucy Archer; “Chairman” Michael Winer
    10) SouthShore SF -Pres. Stan Kanarowski
    11) The Springs SF – resigned from MHOA participation
    12) Willowbend East Condos – Pres. Isa Wright
    13) Willowbend West Condos – Pres. Mark Rasmussen (non-resident)

    Waterways: Leslie Carriel 647-5767, Gaylynn Mooney (chemicals); Eric Fraleigh (Recreational use)
    Webmaster: Lucy Archer (November 2000 and again March 2008 to present) for www.silverspringshoa.org and for www.silverspringscommunity.com

    MA Manager/Bookkeeper: Robyn Bailey 645-9342 (Paid position since 1990)


    July 25th – Short interim MHOA President Lucy Archer, at her own expense, recorded the 1990 Developers Draft MA Bylaws in an effort to organize the board, give it legitimacy, make equitable the dealings and expenditures of the MHOA.
    -MHOA Board rescinds Archer’s election rather than clean house, uphold Bylaws, answer questions, provide fiscal disclosure, or uphold rules of order. Archer’s request for an audit of financial records was ignored.  Since 1990, nearly twenty years, MHOA manager Bailey has had almost exclusive access to these records.  A MHOA CD in the amount of $80,000 has been “lost” without the trustee’s request for MHOA fiscal audit.

    There is continued concern by some trustees and property owners of a conflict of interest, lack of liability insurance, and absence of a contract with Greenleaf Maintenance, the business now taking care of the MHOA Common Area Properties.  The MHOA does not have a contract or insurance nor bonding with this business.  Also the paid MHOA manager does not have a contract with the MHOA nor are her duties listed.  It has been proposed that there be prepared contracts for both of these entities and that there be annual bids for the work.  Further concern is that the MHOA manager Robyn Bailey is also the co-owner of Greenleaf Maintenance.  Bailey therefore produces the invoices from Greenleaf, then writes the check on behalf of the MHOA to pay the Greenleaf invoices with almost no oversight from the MHOA trustees.  The work performed by Bailey as manager and her Greenleaf business has been deemed unsatisfactory by some MHOA trustees and property owners living on the perimeter of the Common Areas.  Photos have been submitted of weedy flower beds, etc. Also reported are instances of mowing in March and April while there exists spots of snow or standing melt-off on the grass areas which then become torn and tracked by the wheels of the mowers. This early maintenance work is viewed as a means for Greenleaf to begin billing the MHOA before the work is actually necessary.

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                    1) Meadow Spring SF – Whit Logan 658-2882
    2) Meadow Wild Condos – Pres. Rosemary Craighill
    3) NorthShore SF -Pres. Glen Lent, resigned; Pres. Linda Bowman
    4) Park Place SF – Pres. Jane Hamilton
    5) Ptarmigan Twnhs – Pres. Allen Durfee 645-8215. Resigned participation in MA on Nov. 17th
    6) Quail Meadows I Condos – Richard Anthony Sands
    7) Quail Meadows II Twnhs – Pres. Nancy Samson 649-4614, Tracy Phillips 658-0168. resigned participation in the MA on Nov. 17th
    8) Silver Meadows Condos – Pres.
    Philip Tisovec 640-0310
    9) Silver Springs SF – Trustee – Bill Noland 649-2769 or 602-0278
    10) SouthShore SF -Pres. Steve LoRe 645-7835
    11) The Springs SF – resigned from MHOA participation
    12) Willowbend East Condos – Pres. Isa Wright 649-0635
    13) Willowbend West Condos – Pres. Mark Rasmussen (non-resident) 658-3884

    Waterways: James Harsch (Dams): Gaylynn Mooney (chemicals); Eric Fraleigh (Recreational use)
    Webmaster:Lucy Archer(November 2000 and again March 2008 to present) for www.silverspringshoa.org and for www.silverspringscommunity.com

    MA Manager/Bookkeeper: Robyn Bailey 645-9342 (Paid position since 1990)


    April 20, 2009 Minutes:  “Bill Noland found a copy of the 1990 Developers MA Draft Bylaws which are the same as the copy recorded by Archer. MA President Bill Noland motioned to accept and to follow these Bylaws until they are amended or new ones are approved by the General Membership and again recorded at the Summit County Recorder’s Office. Nancy Samson seconded the motion. All present were in favor, the motion carried.”

    mountain peaks


    1) Meadow Spring SF – Whit Logan (non-resident?)
    2) Meadow Wild Condos – Pres. Rosemary Craighill
    3) NorthShore SF – Pres. Linda Bowman
    4) Park Place SF – Pres. Jane Hamilton
    5) Ptarmigan Twnhs – resigned from MHOA participation on 11-17-2009
    6) Quail Meadows I Condos – Richard Anthony Sands
    7) Quail Meadows II Twnhs – resigned from MHOA participation on 11-17-2009
    8) Silver Meadows Condos – Pres. Phil Tisovec
    9) Silver Springs SF –
    10) SouthShore SF – Pres. Steve LoRe
    11) The Springs SF – resigned from MHOA participation in 2007
    12) Willowbend East Condos – Pres. Isa Wright
    13) Willowbend West Condos – Pres. Mark Rasmussen (non-resient), Manager Brenda Lake
    Waterways: James Harsch (Dams), Gaylynn Mooney (chemicals); Eric Fraileigh (Rec Use)
    Webmaster: Lucy Archer for www.silverspringscommunity.com
    MA Manager/Bookkeeper: Robyn Bailey (Paid position since 1990)

    February 9: Annual General Association Member Meeting.
    2010 Budget proposed increase of over 200%.  See flyer outlining some ideas developed from this meeting.
    Community Group seeks Dissolution of MA.


    If you attend the MHOA board meetings or read the MHOA Minutes you will learn that this group has serious issues to hide. A study of the MA since March 2008 discovered the following problems — Slack regard for the founding administrative documents, questionable line of authority, no MHOA annual Membership meetings, the lakes were transferred without proper authority,and under questionable conditions, thousands of dollars in collected dues from Members that are not disclosed on the printed budget, twenty years without an audit of the financial records, unauthorized expenditures, association representatives on the MA board that have not been duly elected by their respective associations (the 2010 MA Pres. is merely a volunteer that was neither elected nor selected as a nominee), board meeting attendees that have been entrenched in the MA board for years and control agendas and outcomes, board officers elected without a quorum, fickle adherence to rules, motions made and carried by attendees rather than trustees, suppression of selected Member attendee’s input, etc. General Association Members agree that the MHOA needs to be dissolved. Minutes of meetings not completed.  Meetings not posted.

    April 13, 2010 –

    On Monday, April 12, 2010 the SSSFHOA held a regular board meeting.  Ron Duyker, SouthShore resident and former MA board member disrupted the meeting attended by 28 Members, by shouting out that “Lucy Archer recorded the 1990 MA Draft Bylaws and removed deniability from the board.”  Duyker had let the cat out of the bag.  His anger for Archer’s action was not his pretext of concern over “clouds on all our property titles” (obviously this rant is his way of rousing fear and anger, and therefore support from the property owners.) Gunter, the usurper SSSF board president, obviously enjoying the slander and outburst allowed it to go on without his intervention.  Chris Butler, elected at the illegal December 15, 2008 “election” got into the disruption by bringing up the lawsuit that Gunter and Fuller represented against the Archers on August 5, 2009 in regard to the website.  A lawsuit they lost in favor of the Archers.  Butler insisted that the Archer’s must have felt guilty since they took the advice of the mediators to pay a portion of the requested damages in good faith to settle the complaint out of court.  As usual, Gunter mocked the Archer’s gesture and went into court where he lost his appeal entirely.

    On Tuesday, April 13, 2010 the MA board held a regular board meeting.  Due to circumstances and property owner dissent regarding a 200% increase in assessments for little lake repairs the attendance was somewhere between 50 to 75 Members. Again, Ron Duyker, SouthShore resident and former MA board member disrupted the meeting, shouting out that “Lucy Archer recorded the 1990 MA Draft Bylaws and removed deniability from the board, etc.”  This time MA board president Bill Noland, squelched his disruption, told Duyker to address the board if he had a question or comment, otherwise he was out of order and needed to settle down.

    2010 – April 22 – Lake view owners form a MA committee to make Rules for Lakes and Common Area use. Draft Rules and Committee.

    mountain peaks

    Webmaster : Lucy Archer - Send additions or corrections to [email protected]   
    Copyright © 2025, Lucy Archer