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  • – 1973-1989 Silver Springs East

    Silver Springs East Developer 1973 to 1984
    Vern C. Hardman 1927-2018

    Silver Springs East


    Silver Springs East is the 857.5 acres composing the Silver Springs Community aka the Silver Springs Master Association.  The thirteen subdivisions within the MA can be found on this website, Click here.—silverspringscommunity.com/master-association/


    – The general purposes and objectives for which this corporation is organized are to provide community services and facilities by obtaining title to all common areas and facilities including but not limited to recreational facilities and other areas which are to be obtained for the sole use and enjoyment of the land owners.  In addition, the corporation could be required to provide for the maintenance of streets, paths, perimeter fencing, common areas, and recreational facilities* obtained for the sole use and enjoyment of the land owners of residential lots situated within that certain real property described and known as Silver Springs [East] Subdivisions and all subsequent lots and properties which are annexed to the Silver Springs [East] Subdivisions, located in Summit County, State of Utah. –Articles of Incorporation – May 8, 1979 –  Entry 83813

    *Between 1972 and 1977 the 1948 Federal Water Pollution Control Act was significantly reorganized and expanded then renamed the “Clean Water Act”.  After the primary driver for the proliferation of single family homeowners’ associations in the U.S., that being the value to the developers and the municipalities, the secondary driver, the Clean Water Act which required all new real estate developments to detain storm water so that flow to adjoining properties was no greater than the pre-development runoff.  This law required nearly all residential developments to construct drainage channels, detention or retention areas to hold excess storm water and run-off until it could be released at the pre-development flow level.  Since these detention areas serve multiple residences they are almost always designated as “common” areas. Real estate developers therefore, established homeowner associations to maintain these federally mandated common areas, thereby ensuring an entity, rather than an individual or the local municipality, to have maintenance responsibility.  With a homeowner association in place, the developers expanded their scope to provide other requirements and amenities that they believed would help them sell lots and houses.   This federal law had a significant influence on the inclusion of several retention ponds aka the Silver Willow “lakes” within the master plan of Silver Springs East aka Silver Springs Master Association.

    Silver Springs East Development Subdivisions aka Silver Springs Homeowners’ Association Bylaws – May 1979
    “Declarant” shall mean and refer to Silver Springs Development Subdivisions, a Utah corporation…All present or future lot owners, occupants, or any other person or persons who might use the facilities of Silver Springs Homeowners’ Association in any manner are subject to the regulations set forth in these Bylaws.  [In 1989-1990 the Silver Springs Master Association became the official successor and assignee to the above corporation and association.]

    Declaration of CCRs for Silver Springs East Development Subdivisions – July 16, 1979  Entry 157620  Pages 104-121  – [Silver Springs East Development Subdivisions and the Master Association as its successor and assignee…] Declarant hereby declares that all of said lots and property described above and such additions thereto as may hereafter be made pursuant to Article II hereof shall be held, sold and conveyed subject to the following covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements which are hereby declared for the benefit of the whole [SS East] tract and all of the property described herein and the CCRs and easements shall run with the said real property and and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof as a servitude in favor of each and every parcel thereof as the dominant tenement or tenements.
    –Article 1. Section 2. “Common area” and “common facilities” shall mean all real property owned by the Association for the common use and enjoyment of the members of the Association.

    –—The subdivisions that emerged and are recorded within  Silver Springs East are:   Silver Springs Townhouses (1980),  Silver Meadow Phase Silver Springs Townhouse Condos (1981), Silver Springs as Park Place Plat B (Sept. 1991), Meadow Wild Phase 1 (April 1980), Meadow Spring (April 1980), Willowbend East Silver Springs Townhouses (1983), Willowbend West (originally The Village) at Silver Springs (1984), Quail Meadow Phase of  Silver Springs  (July 1982), Quail Meadows II Townhomes (1996), The Springs (2000), Silver Springs Single Family (October 1985), Northshore Silver Springs Subdivision (August 1989), Little Lake at Silver Springs (annexed 1997),  Southshore at Silver Springs Subdivision (1991).

    Subdivisions outside the boundaries of Silver Springs East are: Ranch Place, Willow Creek, Snyder’s Mill,  None of all these subdivisions have underdrain systems, they rely on the storm drains, drainage channels, the creek inlets and outlets to distribute the overflow into the creeks and retention ponds, on out of the subdivisions toward Willow Creek and the Swaner Nature Preserve.


    Silver Springs Developers, Inc. 1979 map of Silver Springs West and Silver Springs East
    Silver Springs West and Silver Springs East are separated by Highway 224




    Silver Springs early aerial with lakes
    SST-Silver Meadows and Willowbend Condos were first units to be built.




    Silver Springs 1979 - First Home - Lot 1 - SSD Model Home built by Vern Hardman









    Click on above map to view larger, clearer map.

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    Copyright © 2025, Lucy Archer