B- Silver Springs Commercial
Silver Springs Commercial
- The Double Take aka The Duck Stop aka The Blue Roof Market/ Tesoro 4374 Silver Springs Dr. 649-0048/
7-Eleven 4575 Silver Springs Dr., 435-649-4996/
Arctic Spas 435-658-1580/ The Alaskan 4575 Silver Springs Dr. # 10, 649-3877/ - Windermere Real Estate – 4593 Silver Springs Drive 84098, 435-645-9090
- Dr. Sumsion, DMD MS – 4585 Silver Springs Drive 84098 -435-649-0099
- Home Savings Bank 4580 Silver Springs Drive 84098, 435-649-6032
- St. Luke’s Episcopal Church 4595 Silver Springs Drive, 649-4900
- Parley’s Park Elementary School 1002 Silver Springs Drive, 435-645-5620
Aerial of the Commercial Corner

1… The Double Take a.k.a. The Duck Stop
a.k.a. The Blue Roof Market
a.k.a. Tesoro and 7-Eleven
For updates on the Walgreen Proposal Click on this link:
Southwest view
Tesoro – 7-Eleven sign
Silver Springs Homeowners – Steering Committee Meeting – November 9, 1984 at 7:30 PM in Vern Hardman’s Office.Minutes: ……..”Vern told us that the land where the Silver Springs Subdivision Sign was was allocated to the Homeowners but that it had never been recorded so that when platted title was given to Ray Fry they just included the whole thing together with his 4,000 square feet of commercial for his service station building. By rights, and according to the original plat plans that land should be deeded back over to the homeowners.”
Vern said that he has gone the rounds with Fry and Craig Torman on at least three occasions concerning the logo sign. That he was able to save the large wood lettering, for reuse, when the sign was being redesigned by Torman. (Double Take 649-9061, Craig Torman in Ogden 392-7737)….They could be violating the original agreement to serve the communty.” (The large wood lettering was destroyed by the tornado that destroyed Richard’s barn across Hwy224 around 1988).
View to south along Highway 224
1982 – September 14 – Planning Commission Minutes – Phase B – Silver Springs Commercial.
2… Windermere Real Estate Office
4593 Silver Springs Drive
Park City, Utah 84098

March 2008
3… Dr. J.R. Sumsion, DMD MS
Park City Orthodontics
4585 Silver Springs Drive
Park City, Utah 84098
4… Home Savings Bank & Stillwater Mortgage
4580 Silver Springs Drive
Park City, Utah 84098
435-658-4888 or 649-6032

Parcel 4 – Home Savings
5… St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
4595 Silver Springs Drive
Park City, Utah 84098

Southwest corner of St. Luke’s – March 2008