THIS DECLARATION made this 6th day of July 1979
Article X. Section 20. Dwelling Construction and Fence Restrictions In order to promote a harmonious community development and protect the character of the neighborhood, the following guidelines are set out:
(a) Dwelling size, design, alterations or additions will conform to standards contained in this declaration.
(b) Exterior construction materials will be limited to stone, stone veneer, brick or brick veneer, wood siding, stucco or simulated wood siding and shall be in earth tones indigenous to the area and approved by the Architectural Committee. No reflective finish other than glass and surfaces of hardware fixtures, shall be used on exterior including but without limitation, the exterior surfaces of any of the following: retaining walls, doors, trim, fences, pipes, equipment, and mailboxes approved by the Architectural Committee.
1988 September 01 — Guidelines for construction of Hardman style mailboxes.
This mailbox was approved by the Architectural Committee in 2005.
It has all the elements recommended by the board and SSSF CCRs:
a light, mail receptacle, address, enhancing appearance, durable materials.
Silver Springs Single Family Homeowners Association
* * * * Architectural Committee Rules * * * *
Revised 1993 & 1994
[Mailbox Rules & Requirements]
Amendment to Declarations of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Silver Springs Development Subdivisions. Recorded Entry 00419440 on November 17, 1994:
”Article X. Section 23. MAIL BOX AND YARD LAMP.
All owners at the time of construction shall be required to furnish, install and maintain a
mail box and a front yard lamp. The type and location of the mailbox shall be in accordance with the specifications and requirements of the Architectural Committee.”The following Architectural Committee Rules have been prepared under the direction of the Silver Springs Single Family Homeowners Association (SSSFHOA), Board of Trustees. These rules have been derived from, and in compliance with the Silver Springs Single Family Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&R’s) as recorded with the Summit County Recorder, approved by the membership of the SSSFHOA. [CC&R Article VII, Sec. 8]
Please allow a minimum of ten (10) days for application processing and approval. All approvals and disapprovals will be returned in writing within thirty (30) days by the Committee. [CC&R Article VII, Sec. 5]
A. New Construction
2. A $150.00 fee for purchase of a Silver Springs style mailbox.
Sec. 21d
14. All owners at the time of construction shall be required to furnish, install a mailbox and a front yard lamp, the type and location of which shall be in accordance with the specifications and requirements of the Architectural Committee. [CC&R Article X, Sec. 23] [USPS Mailbox Regulations http://pe.usps.gov/archive/html/dmmarchive1209/D041.htm ]
Rules and Regulations for Customer Mail Receptacles (mailboxes) can be read at Domestic Mail Manual D041. Debbie, the Ute Boulevard Post Office supervisor told us that as long as the carrier could reach the mailbox without getting out of his car then the mailbox is in compliance.
Local Postal Service Supervisor Corky Austin, with neighborhood mailbox delivery service under his purview, informed SSSF that communication materials, annual and social event notices, having to do with the neighborhood and the HOA were acceptable for placement inside each individual Homeowner’s mailbox located near the road, on the curb easement area of each lot. This opportunity does not include items related to businesses, solicitations or advertising. |
Summit County Ordinance No. 346 Section 10:
Improvements Installed at Owner’s Risk – The County right-of-way for most roads in the County are wider than the paved area to allow space for utility services and snow storage. Property owners may install sprinklers, mailboxes, lights, plants, plant shrubs, or install other above-grade landscaping in these areas, but do so at their own risk.
10-4-1: Establishment of Development Standards
10-4-2: Environmental Criteria
10-4-3: Critical Areas
10-4-4: Open Space
10-4-5: Water and Water Supply
10-4-6: Sanitary Sewer
10-4-7: Fire Protection
10-4-8: Loading and Unloading
10-4-9: Parking Requirements
10-4-10: Transportation Infrastructure and Access Design
10-4-11: Public Utilities
10-4-12: Mail Delivery
10-4-13: School Capacity
10-4-14: Garbage Collection
10-4-15: Snow Removal and Storage
10-4-16: Police and Security
10-4-17: Parks and Trails
10-4-18: Handicapped Access
10-4-19: Special Site Design Requirements
10-4-20: Architectural Regulations for All Structures
10-4-21: Landscape Regulations
10-4-22: Lighting Regulations
10-4-23: Height Regulations
Locations for proposed should be shown on the final subdivision plat/site
plan. The U.S. Postmaster must provide written approval of the proposed locations. In
some cases, central mail delivery in the form of gang boxes within a postmaster kiosk
may be located outside of the development boundaries on a paved road.
(Ord. 323, 3-9-1998)
Members of the Board have received requests and comments from the General HOA members regarding the replacement of the Silver Springs neighborhood mailboxes. Some members feel there are mailboxes that are beyond repair. Now would be a good opportunity to replace these damaged and outdated mailboxes. Three or four SSSFHOA members have replaced their mailboxes with the same mailboxes that North Shore began installing in 2005 (pictured on the left). The NS Board ordered ninety mailboxes and posts from SeattleLux.com for approximately $250 each plus cemented installation (an additional $80-100.) These same mailboxes have been found in the Frontgate mail order catalog for a higher price. North Shore received a discounted price because of a bulk order from Seattle Lux.. Silver Springs members could probably do the same type of order.
When Northshore was researching their replacement mailboxes they made the decision not to fit them with yard lamps. Now they wish they had included lights on their mailboxes because their streets are too dark to walk at night or for kids to ride their bikes at dusk. The wiring already exists from each house to the mailbox so it makes sense to use it to illuminate a small lamp on the mailbox. We are looking into voltaic cells and other options. An example of an unobtrusive mailbox yard lamp can be seen on the Carriel mailbox post at 5103 Silver Springs Road.
The Board is considering sending out a survey form to all HOA members including all the information we have collected on mailbox options, etc. with a deadline for a response. If you have comments please email them to [email protected]
This month, May 2008, we counted 14-15 post and cross brace mailboxes
Four NorthShore style mailboxes
Five homes without mailboxes
Five vacant lots
162 Hardman-Pearce mailboxes
May 2008
The Board has received a number of comments from Silver Springs residents regarding our mailboxes. This last winter, and the speeding snowplows, were pretty hard on them. Some folks have remarked that since so many mailboxes are currently in need of repair, repainting, or replacement that this makes a good time to update or change our mailboxes. Before making a decision we are gathering information and input from all our residents. The best decisions are those made together.
1)Are you satisfied with the style and function of our signature wood mailboxes?
Yes_42____ No_56____ Explain___________________________________
2) Do our current mailboxes seem outdated and in need of renovation?
Yes_66__ No_30__ Explain ____________________________________
3) Do you think we should replace our mailboxes with ones similar in style and color to the replacement mailboxes at North Shore but with small lamps per our CCRs? (See example of this mailbox light at 5103 Silver Springs Road)
Yes_42__ No_60__ Explain____________________________________
4) Should it be mandatory to replace current mailboxes to a conforming style?
Yes_44_ No_46__ Do you have a style you recommend?____________
5) If it is mandatory to replace mailboxes to a conforming style should it be with or without a deadline?
With_52__ Without_34__ Explain____________________________________
Grandfather existing mailboxes in good condition? Yes_52__ No_28__ Explain________________
6) If it is not mandatory to replace mailboxes to a conforming style should there be a minimum standard more than those given in our HOA DOCS? (https://www.silverspringscommunity.com/hoa-docs/application-forms/application-mailbox/)
Yes_44__ No_32__ Explain____________________________________
7) Should we remind folks to promptly and continually maintain their mailboxes and the yard lamp they contain, as specified in our AR&Gs, to preserve the good appearance of our neighborhood and the kind thoughts of our neighbors?
Yes_68__ No_18__ I promise to keep my mailbox straight, operative, and attractive….Yes_____
Comments: __(See below)__________
Mail this survey to : SSSFHOA 4574 Silver Springs Rd. Box 13, P.C., UT 84098-6073
Or give to Lucy Archer. Responses due by May 19, 2008. Results will be reported in next Newsletter.
Survey Results Recommendation: HOA Board to establish a prototype mailbox that is distinctive, “modern”, easily maintained, with a light (solar), and inexpensive. The homeowner can choose to install a prototype or an ARC approved style that is consistent with the prototype. Professional installation in concrete required by the homeowner or contractor names provided by ARC. Hardman-Pearce mailboxes and ARC approved mailboxes in good condition will be grandfathered.
Priority: Well-maintained!
August 14, 2008 Board Meeting:
“Mailbox prototype decision: No prototype submissions were received from the general membership [since calls for submissions in the April newsletter]. It appears that the homeowners have approved a post-and-cross-member style mailbox to replace the Hardman-Pearce mailboxes. Lucy took photos of twelve or fourteen
mailboxes of this style already in place in our neighborhood. Some of the photos of these mailboxes and a note are to be placed in our August newsletter. [Only four photos appeared in the newsletter because adding a dozen photos made them too small and it was difficult to see the detail of the mailboxes] It was agreed by Board members present that this post-and-cross-beam style mailbox would be our prototype. HOA members may still use other styles as long as they are pre-approved by the ARC committee.” Several members commented that since our houses are not all the same, many different styles, that our mailboxes should not all have to be the same. Well-maintained variety is also acceptable.
2010- January – The board produced the Silver Springs Single Family HOA Application for New or Replacement Mailbox. Find at Alternative-Mailbox-approval-2010.
Photos of Board Approved Mailboxes in SSSF Neighborhood:
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Dated 5 April 2017 – Rev. 10.02.2017 :