2017 |
“Ticket” system of communicating with Board members is implemented this month. Creates distance between Homeowners and the Board Trustees. The tickets are not numbered at the outset, they must be submitted to receive a number that we guess is sequential. Dated email is a more efficient and simple way to track correspondence between Homeowners and the Trustees. The 2008 Trustees used the email address sssfhoa for this purpose. The only person who can view the ‘tickets’ is the HOA manager. Who has been thwarting Board transparency since December 2008? |
January 22,
2017 6:00 pm |
January 22, 2017: New SSSF –HOA manager Ryan Dickey, is the owner of ModelHOA, Mr. Dickey, will serve as the initial point of contact for anything HOA related, and can be reached most efficiently by making an online request through Model HOA’s electronic ticketing system. The Model HOA Community Issue Reporting system link to the online ticketing system is: https://help.modelhoa.com. ”Sign up with us Once you go through the process of signing up, you will have complete access to our self service portal and you can use your account to raise support tickets and track their status. “We encourage all members to use the online ticketing system so that all issues are routed to the appropriate board or committee member, and so that response times can be documented and measured.” |
Brian Zilvitis, HOA Pres. signature line.
Efficiently sterile, impersonal, ineffective, good way to ignore input and homeowners. Issues may be routed but does NOT guarantee you will receive an answered response. |
January 24
2017 2:48 am |
Email to Ryan Dickey ModelHOA: Ryan and Alyssa,I would like to know how much the BOT has incurred in fees from Morris & Sperry to this date, for their work on the CCRs & Bylaws Drafts.I would like to know who is on the Board for 2017. Who was on the Oct 2016 ballot, and how many votes each candidate received? [Not in the Minutes.]I would also like to know the reason why PMA was removed from the HOA service. Why were the Owners not notified prior to the change?I would like to receive a Roster of names, phone numbers, and email addresses of all the Silver Springs Single Family HOA owners.I would like a copy of last year’s budget and this years proposed budget. Please do not refer me to a website.I hope yours is a full transparency management company.Thank you,Lucy Archer |
January 27
2017 4:11 pm |
Response by Ryan Dickey to Lucy Archer:
– I’m not sure — will refer your question to the board. [question about cost of M&S] – I can’t speak to the board’s reason for the management change or timing of the announcement, as I was not part of the discussion. – I apologize, but owner contact information is kept confidential and used for official business only. – Last year is attached. I will follow up on this year to make sure I have the latest proposed budget, and then send your way. Thanks, Ryan |
January 30
2017 9:22 am |
Response by Ryan Dickey to Lucy Archer
Lucy, to complete my responses:
Best, Ryan [Dickey]
Thank You!
The Proposed 2018 Budget shows Model/HOA is to receive $17,500, little less than PMA requested and then were fired for their request. MA Board Members (close to bottom of page) |
2017 |
Email from former Judge to Lucy Archer: There are state laws regarding what must be in an HOA’s CC&R’s, but off the top of my head I don’t believe there are any strict requirements about what must be included in the recitals or whether recitals are a requirement and/or the prior history of the HOA. City/County records can provide that history easily enough.First of all, the owners control who is elected to the Board, and elections are the primary control owners have over the Board. There may be some provisions in the HOA’s governing documents (CC&R’s, Articles of Organization and/or Bylaws) that provide a procedure for the owners to remove one or more members of the Board who are acting contrary to the owners’ best interests (and there may be a provision in Utah law to that effect as well). There are also provisions for owners to pursue what is called a derivative suit on behalf of the owners as a whole against one or more members of the Board who are acting contrary to the owners’ best interests. Or circumventing owner rights esp. the owners’ ability to vote on matters of procedural, financial and administrative importance. |
Question of whether new CCRs are required to include outdated document listings in Recitals. Reply: NO!Question of whether the board can or should control nominations on the election ballot as an act contrary to owners best interests. |
March 2, 2017 | Link to March 2nd Minutes: Owner Meeting to discuss the Specious Morris & Sperry CCRs
Our HOA documents have never included mention of the underdrains. The M&S Draft CCRs imperialize the now included underdrains in around eleven title sections. Please read the synopsis and history of how our happy neighborhood may become a victim of unscrupulous, self-serving individuals who want to benefit from their neighbors benevolent disengagement with their furtive activities. Homeowners have much to lose if they vote for the Morris & Sperry draft documents. Read them for yourself, Click on this link………….. Link to Morris & Sperry CCRs Draft: https://www.silverspringscommunity.com/wp-content/uploads/Silver-Springs-Declarations-Draft-for-Review-by-Members-Jan-2017.pdf |
SSSFHOA Owners first and only meeting with attorney John Morris regarding the DRAFT of his firms CCRs for the SSSF subdivision.
Go to link at the top left to read the Minutes of that meeting. |
September 19, 2017
Hello Ryan, How far ahead of the October 10th SSSF meeting will you be sending out the proposed 2018 SSSF Budget? Are we also going to receive copies of the 2017 Master Association Expenditures and the MA 2018 Proposed Budget? I’d like to know more about the $333,000. the MA has accrued. I hope the Trustees will provide to us a couple weeks to look at these fiduciary documents. “4. To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting” Please be more specific. Are we going to get a current update on the Master Association? Are we going to learn whether Edwin C. Ted Barnes is still the attorney for the MA and the SSSFHOA. Also it is imperative to inform the SSSF Homeowners whether the MA has at last rewritten its 1990 Draft Bylaws. If the MA Bylaws have been rewritten they should be made available to all the Silver Springs Community property owners, the subjects who are ultimately responsible for their content. And most critically, will the SSSF Homeowners be provided with a complete update on the specious Morris-Sperry written CCRs and Bylaws? The Trustees are long overdue on bringing the Homeowners current with what is being done by the Trustees on these unacceptable documents. Are all the SSSFHOA Homeowners being sent the “Nomination Form to Volunteer to be a SSSF Board Trustee? This Board needs to give everyone an opportunity to be on the ballot. It would have been a good idea to have sent this form with today’s letter to the Homeowners. I hope an elected Trustee who truly seeks to provide a fair ballot will consider using this Nomination Form (updated). Who has been given the helm of directing an impartial, full and open ballot? There are Homeowners who would like the opportunity to serve. At the Annual Meeting you might consider asking the attendees/proxies whether they use or agree with the “Open a Ticket” process for attempting to reach the Board of Trustees. (Sorry, I know monitoring “Tickets” is part of your job description.) Thank you for your efforts, Lucy Archer Nomination-Form-BOT.pdf attached |
Response to Dickey/Zilvitis email to homeowners; announces HOA Annual meeting 10-10-2017
Conflict of interest. |
Sept. 20, 2017 | Ryan Dickey Response to Sept. 19, 2017 message:
Hi Lucy, see answers inline below. Look forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks! Yes, I believe both will be sent out in advance. Tickets are helpful to me since that ensures they receive attention (by virtue of needing to be closed) and don’t get lost in the crush of daily email! That said, I’m fine with however people want to contact me. They always find a way, and anything meant for the board I always pass on. |
Replies to above questions.
And for the most part board members ignore the Tickets.
Sept 20, 2017
12.22 pm |
Questions sent to Ryan Dickey. Do you know who has been assigned to be on the SSSF Association nominating committee and the ballot counting committee? I would like to be on both of these committees. Can you make sure the necessary parties receive my volunteer message? Who can and will tell me whether the MA has new and approved Bylaws. From my perspective the MA Board is very reticent about their activities and financial situation.Lucy Archer |
Sept 20th 2017
12:29 pm |
Reply from Ryan Dickey: I’m not sure who is on the nominating committee other than Polly Reynolds. I will pass on your email to her.I don’t know if the Master Association has new bylaws. I haven’t heard that they do. Allison Dittmer is our master’s rep and I added her on cc. |
Sept 20th 2017
12:49 pm |
Response from Lucy Archer to Ryan Dickey:
Thank you for your assistance Ryan. I seem to recall that the budget, meeting agenda and the ballot are to be mailed to Members 10 days prior to the Annual meeting so that Homeowners have time to look over the budgets, candidates, etc. and make arrangements to vote. At this point the Homeowners have been given notice and no documents to preview. Has the ballot been finalized? How did the Nominating committee produce a full ballot of candidates? If the ballot is not completed will the SSSFHOA meeting be postponed? Since the MA has such a huge collection of Member assessments ($333,000.), when will the annual MA fees be decreased as promised since 2010? It seems like a lot of the issues important to Homeowners remain unresolved year after year. Someone needs to clear the slate. Lucy Archer |
Article III. Meetings of Members. Section 4. Notice of Meetings. Written notice of each meeting of the Members shall be given by, or at the direction of, the Secretary, by mailing a copy of such notice, postage prepaid, at least 10 days before such meeting to each Member…Such notice shall specify the place, day and hour of the meeting, and the purpose of the meeting. |
Sept 21st
2017 1:02 pm |
Message to Polly Reynolds from Lucy Archer Hello Polly, Have the candidates for this year’s ballot been selected? I don’t remember receiving from the board any solicitations for Homeowners to volunteer to be candidates for election. Will the Homeowners been given 10 days notice to volunteer and to preview the finances and documents they will be asked to discuss on October 10th? The HOA boards say they can’t get anyone to help or volunteer. My experience is that the Homeowners are not included by the BOT or notified to help or volunteer. There are people in the Silver Springs neighborhood that do want to be candidates and elected Trustees. Thank you for your time, Lucy Archer |
Sept 21st 2017
3:20 pm See Ticket #99 below. |
Reply from Polly Reynolds to Lucy Archer:
Lucy, Thank you for your concerns. I will forward your email to Ryan Dickey who can address them. Polly[In answer to Sept 19th Ticket, Polly did not admit she was the chair of the Nomination Committee and would be handling which names would be included on the 2017 ballot. Also that Nom. Com. members for last several years are in same clique, go camping together, Garden Club together, party together, etc. Appears to be collusion.] Lucy went to Polly’s house to deliver the 2017 MA Annual Meeting Report. When leaving, Polly interjected, “I guess it looks pretty bad that I left your name off the ballot. The men told me I had to do that because they are putting Noland in the fourth vacancy a few days before the Annual Election. I will email to you the Bylaw reference they told me they were using. March 3, 2018 – Polly Reynolds has not sent the reference nor talked to me about it when we have seen each other. |
Polly skirts her admission that she is chair of the nomination committee, and that only those folks who are cronies will be allowed to be on the ballot. | ||||||||||||||||
Sept 21st
2017 4:34 pm |
Ryan Dicky response to Lucy Archer in reference to the message Polly Reynolds forwarded to Ryan in response to Lucy’s questions regarding the SSSF election ballot: Hi Lucy,I think these are the same questions you sent to me. The members of the nominating committee I have since learned are Polly (chair), Julia Loughlin, and Brian Zilvitis. Anything I haven’t been able to answer you should feel free to ask at the meeting. There will be time for Q&A. Thanks, Ryan |
“Ask at the meeting” makes it a bit late to take action on the printed ballot. |
Sept 21st
2017 4:54 pm |
Message reply from Lucy Archer to Polly Reynolds and Allison Dittmer.
Hello Polly, I sent several questions to Ryan. He said he would forward them to both of you. Since I hadn’t heard back from you I sent them directly to your email address. I have not heard back from other folks on the board. Can the board be this confused. Or does an edict in place disallow trustees to directly answer homeowner questions? If that is the case why do we elect a board of trustees? Why not just allow one person to reign over our neighborhood [I don’t mean you Ryan]. It has happened here before. Lucy Archer |
Sep 21st 2017 6:16 PM |
Lucy Archer wrote to Brian Zilvitis, HOA Pres:
Hello Brian, I have several questions for the board. I began by contacting Ryan Dickey. Then an email to Polly Reynolds and Allison Dittmer. It is disconcerting how little these TRUSTEES know about the committees they represent. This board has become progressively lacking in transparency. The inability to get any information from them leads me to believe the board is being dishonest or manipulating the election (again) for their own self-interests. This email is to notify you that Hunt Williams and Lucy Archer are volunteer homeowner candidates to be included on the ballot for the upcoming SSSFHOA October 2017 Election. Thank you for your service to our neighborhood, Lucy Archer
Sept 21st
2017 6:36 pm |
Brian Zilvitis reply to Lucy Archer:
Lucy, The reason that there is a process for funneling questions through Ryan, our manager, is so that questions are tracked and responded to in a timely manner, and not lost. We believe it increases transparency, and not the opposite. We believe that bypassing that process could be viewed as favoritism or special treatment, and thus isn’t in the best interest of the association. This is a self-less board that has put in many volunteer hours, working in good faith to fulfill its duty to the association. Thanks for volunteering. Sincerely, Brian
Does Brian mean self-serving? And who expect the manager to do most of the work? |
TICKET 86 Sept 23rd 2017 |
2017 HOA BALLOT WITHOUT HOMEOWNER INPUT Hello Ryan, How far ahead of the October 10th SSSF meeting will you be sending out the proposed 2018 SSSF Budget?Are we also going to receive copies of the 2017 Master Association Expenditures and the MA 2018 Proposed Budget? I’d like to know more about the $333,000. the MA has accrued. I hope the Trustees will provide to us a couple weeks to look at these fiduciary documents.” 4. “To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting” Please be more specific. Are we going to get a current update on the the Master Association? Are we going to learn whether Ted Barnes is still the attorney for the MA and the SSSFHOA. Also it is imperative to inform the SSSF Homeowners whether the MA has at last rewritten its 1990 Draft Bylaws. If the MA Bylaws have been rewritten they should be made available to all the Silver Springs Community property owners, the subjects who are ultimately responsible for their content.And most critically, will the SSSF Homeowners be provided with a complete update on the specious Morris-Sperry written CCRs and Bylaws? The Trustees are long overdue on bringing the Homeowners current with what is being done by the Trustees on these unacceptable documents.Are all the SSSFHOA Homeowners being sent the “Nomination Form to Volunteer to be a SSSF Board Trustee? This Board needs to give everyone an opportunity to be on the ballot. It would have been a good idea to have sent this form with today’s letter to the Homeowners. I hope an elected Trustee who truly seeks to provide a fair ballot will consider using this Nomination Form (updated). Who has been given the helm of directing an impartial, full and open ballot? There are Homeowners who would like the opportunity to serve.At the Annual Meeting you might consider asking the attendees/proxies whether they use or agree with the “Open a Ticket” process for attempting to reach the Board of Trustees. (Sorry, I know monitoring “Tickets” is part of your job description.) Thank you for your efforts,Lucy Archer |
Nomination Form.pdf file attached. |
Entire Reply to Ticket 86 | From: [email protected] To: lucy Date: Sat. Sep 23, 2017 at 6:01 PM Subject: Ticket Received – 2017 HOA BALLOTDear Lucy Archer,We would like to acknowledge that we have received your request and a ticket has been created. An HOA representative will be reviewing your request and will send you a personal response.To view the status of the ticket or add comments, please visit https://help.modelhoa.com/ Model HOA Management TeamNO REPLY WAS SENT FROM TRUSTEES TO THIS TICKET. |
Ticket 87
Sept 23, |
Unanswered Questions since September 19, 2017: 8 Questions for Ryan, Brian, Polly, Allison, and anyone else on the BOT that is interested in improving the SSSFHOA. 1) I would like to know how much the BOT has incurred in fees from Morris & Sperry to this date, for their work on the CCRs & Bylaws Drafts. 2) I would like to know why all the exercises toward creating the above two documents are not elaborated in the BOT Minutes in 2016 or 2017. Where are the Minutes of the Special March 2, 2017 Homeowner Input Meeting with attorney John Morris? Why has the BOT been silent about the input and reactions to the specious CCRs presented at this March 3rd meeting? Why haven’t the 2017 Draft Bylaws been discussed? 3) The BOT of Trustees supplied a Neighborhood Directory to the Homeowners for around 25 years. The excuse that it is a privacy matter has caused Homeowners to wonder why the BOT is hampering neighbor communications, Neighbor Watch safety and social contact by neglect of this service. Place the question of a directory on the ballot if you really want to know what the Homeowners want. 4) The Master Association is secreting around $300.000, The MA has received requests to use this money to build a community meeting place. If St. Luke’s is willing to give the one-acre at the intersection of Silver Springs Drive and Silver Springs Road to Habitat for Humanity perhaps they will transfer title to the Community MA to provide a simple facility for use by the 12 subdivision owners in our Community. Place this on the ballot as well. Learn what the Homeowners prefer be done with all the money, since 2010, in the MA coffers. 5) Attorneys consulted have stated that the BOT Minutes and Budgets are not to be copyrighted by the BOT. These documents must be open and available to all the Homeowners as the laws of transparency dictate. What is the BOT trying to hide is a question frequently asked, so why do they add that claim on these documents? It is reproachable. The Minutes and Budgets generated by the BOT and their hired managers are the property of the Homeowners, the voters who elected them to help manage the Association. 6) Why doesn’t Polly Reynolds or Ryan Dickey or Brian Zilvitis answer the question of whether the October 10th Election Ballot has been finalized without allowing all Homeowners at an opportunity to be published candidates on the ballot? Using the ruse that candidates can be nominated during the Annual Meeting is well known to be a pretense of a viable chance to be elected. Nominees from the floor during the annual meeting have never been elected. These ballots represent the primary control owners have over the Board of Trustees. When the election nomination process and resulting ballots are secreted and controlled by the BOT, the Homeowners are distanced from their vested, inherent control of the BOT and they begin to wonder what furtive mischief the BOT is hiding. A second ramification is that the Homeowners lose interest in an Association in which they are allowed but one line of participation, that is to send in an annual dues check. Does our HOA actually have interest paucity, or has the 2009 to 2017 BOT created the attitude? 7) Why hasn’t the Master Association had a full audit since its inception in 1989/1990? Is fiduciary duty to the homeowners displayed by allowing the MA manager, and her property maintenance company, to have full access and use of the MA finances since 1989/1990 without review (except the 2 or 3 year audit when an $80,000 CD could not be found or accounted for and still is not accounted for)? 8) Why have the 12 subdivision presidents been unable to comply with the 1989 County Commission order to replace the Developers 1989 Draft Bylaws with updated MA Bylaws that do not include rules for the developer, etc.? When I asked this question at an MA meeting in 2013 I was told by the sitting MA president that the Bylaws were rules for the Board and had nothing to do with the 514 MA Homeowners. Who does the MA think is ultimately responsible for the workings of the MA?There are many other questions that need answers. Will get to those on another ticket.Concerned Silver Springs Single Family Owners,Clay and Lucy Archer |
Minutes of March 2, 2017 Meeting with M&S re: Draft CCRs
[message truncated] |
Ticket #89
Sept 28, 2017 |
Nominations Status for Candidates: Hunt Williams Lucy ArcherNO REPLY WAS SENT FROM TRUSTEES TO THIS TICKET. |
Bylaws Article V. Nomination..from floor/application….not less than the number of vacancies that are to be filled. | ||||||||||||||||
Reply to Ticket 87
October |
Email between BOT member Allison Dittmer and Lucy Archer discussing Ticket 87. | SSMA Bylaws 1990: Includes rules ‘special assessment’ requires 66 2/3% vote of Members | ||||||||||||||||
Ticket #90 ————– Oct. 5 2017 |
Annual Meeting Agenda – Homeowners Want to Vote on the Architectural Guidelines
Hello SSSFHOA Trustees- Brian, Polly, Allison, Ed, Kaye, Edward and Manager Ryan Dickey, This email is a follow-up to the September 21st letter to ModelHOA and Trustees, and to Tickets 86, 87 & 89. We will appreciate a response to our earlier questions. Also the following, how many candidates are on the ballot? How many positions are to be filled? Who will be counting the votes? Will the Homeowners be given copies of the Draft Architectural Guidelines prior to the October 10, 2017 Annual Meeting? Will the Homeowners be voting on the re-written Architectural Guidelines? Since a majority of the board’s work is on Architectural issues it appears the Arch Rules do not represent the wishes and opinions of the Homeowners. It will be responsible to receive the Homeowners input and agreement on the A.R. content. Will the M&S Draft SSSF CCRs and Bylaws be rewritten and current status reported to the Homeowners? The BOT has not reported anything further to the Homeowners regarding the Drafts since the March 2, 2017 meeting. Many people are under the happy impression the Drafts have “been hurled into the circular file.” Is this the case? Allison, has the Master Association updated and rewritten the 1989 Bylaws that were provided to them by the Developer, and that include his former (more than 3 decades ago) part in the MA? Allison, what plans does the MA have for the $333,000 the MA has been holding since 2010 to the present? Thank you for your participation on the BOT. |
Entire Reply to Ticket 90 | from [email protected] to: lucy date: Thu, Sep 28,, 2017 at 12:52 PMLucy, I will pass on your questions. Thanks.Ticket: https://help.modelhoa.com/ |
Ticket #91 ————— Oct 5, 2017 |
Ballots and Agendas Not Sent to Homeowners
Questions for 2016-2017 SSSF Board of Trustees: namely Brian Zilvitis, Edward Robertshaw, Polly Reynolds, Kaye Lilliquist, Ed Cody, Allison Dittmer. Today is Thursday, October 5, 2017. Five days before the SSSFHOA Annual Meeting and Election. Has anyone received the 2017 Ballot or an Agenda for the Annual Meeting from the BOT or Ryan Dickey at ModelHOA? There are those of us who have NOT received these important documents. Has anyone received them? These items should have been sent to Homeowners 10 days prior notice to the Meeting. Otherwise the Homeowners do not have time to inform themselves of the candidates and issues to responsibly vote on them. And is the BOT hoping for a Replacement Meeting in order to allow the few “any number of Members” to manipulate the outcome of the Election, the Budget item of $17,000 for Model HOA, and the Morris & Sperry Draft CCRs and Bylaws? ETC.? Perhaps the Board is willing to allow the Master Association to spend $60,000 for a special assessment to install aerators for the MA large pond and for the Exclusive Easement Private little pond owned by the 24 contiguous pond property owners. This expenditure requires a 66 2/3% vote of approval from all the Silver Springs Property Owners. Bill Noland created an uproar in 2010 when he passed, against the wishes of the Property Owners, a 200% increase in Master Association dues to make improvements on the two ponds. He forewent the vote of the Homeowners. The outcome of that fiasco is that the MA has carried a very large balance since 2010 that now has grown to $333,000. |
[Second] Amendments to the Silver Springs [SF] Bylaws
SSMA Bylaws 1990: Includes rules for meetings of members; quorum=50%; special assessment requires 66 2/3% vote of Members; office of trustee may be declared vacant after 3 consecutive absences; limit of 2 year trustee term; audits and inspection of books; indemnification for harm or loss. Because the MA has been overcharging the Homeowners for years does not grant to the MA BOT permission to spend large quantities of money on specialized repairs for an amenity from which few benefit. |
Entire Reply to Ticket 91 | from [email protected] to: lucy date: Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 5:21 PM Hi Lucy,
I passed on your email to the board. They asked me to respond on their behalf that they are in receipt of your communication and acknowledge your concerns.
Ticket #92
Oct 5, 2017 |
Manipulation, Lack of Transparency Concerns for 2016-2017
SSSF Board of Trustees: namely Brian Zilvitis, Edward Robertshaw, Polly Reynolds, Kaye Lilliquist, Ed Cody, Allison Dittmer. Is the Board of Trustees continuing to go rogue in their responsibilities to the Homeowners or is the overt lack of transparency to the Homeowners another ploy to control membership on the Board and the outcome of the business to be transacted at the October 10, 2017 SSSFHOA Annual Meeting? Is the BOT hoping for a Replacement Meeting in order to allow the few “any number of Members” to manipulate the outcome of the Election and the Budget? One budget item stands out. Last year PMA requested $18,000 compensation for the many additional duties the BOT was loading on them in excess of the contracted work. The response at the Annual Meeting was aghast. For PMA’s request they were fired, ModelHOA was hired. This year the new 2018 Budget shows Ryan Dickey of Model HOA has requested $17,000. How does the BOT justify this after last year’s reaction? In appearance, Dickey does much less work than PMA did in 2015 and 2016. |
Entire Reply to Ticket 92 | from [email protected] to: lucy date: Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 2:47 PMDear Lucy Archer, We would like to acknowledge that we have received your request and a ticket has been created. An HOA representative will be reviewing your request and will send you a personal response. To view the status of the ticket or add comments, please visit https://help.modelhoa.com/ Model HOA Management TeamNO REPLY WAS SENT FROM TRUSTEES TO THIS TICKET. |
Ticket #93
Oct 10, 2017 |
Annual Meeting Challenge by SSSFHOA HOMEOWNERS To the Board of TRUSTEES:We cannot sign new board member Edward Robertshaw’s version of the BOT Proxy (instead of the expected Ballot and Agenda) for the SSSFHOA Annual Election without the information needed by Homeowners to make sound decisions. We will not sign a proxy, especially when the provided drop-down choices are to select a BOT member as the Proxy holder. It’s like asking, “Which lion do you want to eat you.”The BOT are asking for a blanket transfer of our votes to the BOT. This is exemplified by “As THEY see fit as to ALL MATTERS.” This can mean passing the specious Morris & Sperry CCRs & Bylaws, giving the underdrains credence and allowing them to become common areas etc.,; allowing the newly drafted Architectural Rules to be implemented without Homeowner review or vote, and a number of other very dangerous precedents.Part (2) “The APPOINTEE may vote for three qualified Members of the Association.” This request is presented without notifying the voters of who these Members are, no names are provided. There are definitely Members of the Association that I would never vote for, especially undercover of a twisted Electronic Proxy. If the candidates are qualified, hold no conflicts of interest and are honest why secret their identities?As far as I can see (without Finishing or Signing) there is no true Ballot, no display of an Agenda, your Electronic Proxy acts as a takeover of authority and power from the Homeowners while further distancing and disenfranchising the Homeowners from their own Association. Does the BOT think so little of the Homeowners to imagine they cannot make their own decisions?There is also a level of software erudition necessary to complete all the aspects of participation (that leads to your Electronic Proxy and the Proxy itself) that is not available to all our Homeowners in order to share in an expected democratic process, offered through this BOT’s furtive planning.Your efforts to run the SSSFHOA Annual Meeting and Election looks to me to be a farce and a legal failure. The Homeowners have not been properly given notice or information. It is evident the BOT prefers Proxies, noted by all the vigor given to them, rather than Homeowners in attendance at a meeting asking questions. Results do not indicate a resolve to include everyone in voting rights within our neighborhood. A Replacement Meeting seems to be the BOT’s goal.There remain many vital questions I have posted on your website Comments Form, and recently through this alienating “Ticket” system, that remain unanswered. This is proof the “Ticket” system does not enhance communication within our Association.This BOT’s methods have to be challenged. |
Community Issue Reporting | ||||||||||||||||
Entire Reply to Ticket 93 | from [email protected] to: lucy date: Thu, Oct 7, 2017 at 1:59 PMDear Lucy Archer, We would like to acknowledge that we have received your request and a ticket has been created. An HOA representative will be reviewing your request and will send you a personal response.To view the status of the ticket or add comments, please visit https://help.modelhoa.com/ Model HOA Management TeamNO REPLY WAS SENT FROM TRUSTEES TO THIS TICKET. |
Ticket 94
October 8, |
Comments Received from Homeowners; Sent to BOT via Ticket #94:
“If I do not want to vote on the BOT Proxy form essentially I will lose my right to vote.” “I did not sign the BOT Proxy, I want to vote for myself. I have gone to the website to see the Budget (which I do not approve). I have not been able to find the slate of candidates that Polly Reynolds of the Nominating Committee has selected for approval. I want to vote for Hunt Williams, he sent in his candidacy form to volunteer to be on the board so where do I vote for him on this “Proxy”? This election is a vote grab by the BOT. I don’t think they care if I attend this meeting, they just want me to give them my vote Proxy.” -And that is not the only “worst of it”…. If Homeowners do not send in their Proxy and do not have a 50% majority Quorum present to vote in person then the Annual Meeting will be closed without transacting business. SSSFHOA Bylaws: Article III: Meetings of Members: Section 5. Quorum. …Within 30 days the BOT has to have a “Replacement Meeting” allowing Members at least two (2) weeks’ notice of meeting and providing proxy forms, at which time it shall reconvene and any number of attendees in good standing present at such subsequent meeting, in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum . At any such adjourned ”Replacement” meeting held as set forth above, any business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the meeting as originally noticed. -I have attended Replacement Meetings where 8 attendees decided on the election, budget, and other business. The setup is that Homeowners will lose in either scenario; the Board is asking for a blank check and Proxy to do whatever they want. What needs to happen is that the Homeowners organize and sign the Complaint and Challenge to the Board of Trustees handling of this Annual Meeting and Election. Call me at 435-649-4663 or email me at [email protected] to be included in this Challenge. -Another matter that again shows how the BOT disenfranchises the Homeowners is by the SSSF Board allowing the Master Association to spend $60,000 on aerators for the MA large pond and for the Exclusive Private Easement little pond owned by the 24 contiguous little pond property owners (access is not extended to all other SSMA owners). This expenditure has a required 66 2/3% vote of approval from all the Silver Springs Community Property Owners. Each subdivision within the Master Association was to receive the voter approval of their Property Owners before allowing this size of expenditure. Bill Noland created an uproar in 2010 when he forcefully passed, against the wishes of the Property Owners, a 200% increase in Master Association dues to make improvements on the two ponds. The outcome of that fiasco was that subdivisions wanted to remove their membership in the Master Association. There was a court battle that further alienated membership. The effect of Noland’s forced assessment is that the MA has carried a very large balance since 2010 that now has grown to $333,000. Where am I going with this? The Trustees’ disjointed “Tickets” interruption of communication between the BOT and the Homeowners and the manipulation of rules to benefit a few cronies is distancing the board from the Homeowners. Lack of transparency, unauthorized expenditures on a bevy of lawyers, minimal access to the ponds while paying for their costs, and the furtive work on the underdrain system, all without Homeowner knowledge or votes has removed the rights and control of our neighborhood out of the innate authority of the Homeowners and into the hands of a board of trustees who are in conflict with the Homeowners they should be representing. |
Entire Reply to Ticket # 94 | from: [email protected] to: lucy date: Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 2:21 PMDear Lucy Archer, We would like to acknowledge that we have received your request and a ticket has been created. An HOA representative will be reviewing your request and will send you a personal response.To view the status of the ticket or add comments, please visit https://help.modelhoa.com/ Sincerely, Model HOA Management TeamNO REPLY WAS SENT FROM TRUSTEES TO THIS TICKET. |
Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 6:28 PM |
This is the first notice many Homeowners claim to have received from anyone on the HOA Board regarding the 2017 Annual Meeting and Election. | ||||||||||||||||
Ticket 95
Oct. 9 |
Thank you for sending Annual Meeting Information to Homeowners this Evening (My notice has a time of 6:28 pm, on the night before the Annual Meeting) !!!
Thank you for sending Annual Meeting Information to the Homeowners-Voters this evening, one day’s notice since the meeting is tomorrow. We hope everyone has an opportunity to see the 2018 Budget with its inclusion of ModelHOA over-funding and the Homeowner “seize & desist” 2015 vote on the underdrains sneak funding; and for the first time the Meeting Agenda; and Polly Reynolds’ slate of three candidates. The Bylaws allow for more, were there other Homeowners who were willing to be on the ballot and to serve on behalf of the Homeowners? Why does one vacancy remain? It appears the crony system is still holding the reins on who can be elected to the Board? This is the most usurping and shameless display of lack of fiduciary duty and transparency of any BOT that I have seen in 35 years in Silver Springs. Tell me did Ryan Dickey earn his new salary by neglecting to notify the Homeowners of the Annual Meeting and Election and not sending out the required documents until the night before the Annual Meeting and Election? Or did he earn his new salary because he followed the BOT’s surreptitious instructions? |
Entire Reply to Ticket 95 | from [email protected] to: lucy date: Thu, Oct 9, 2017 at 11:39 PM Dear Lucy Archer, We would like to acknowledge that we have received your request and a ticket has been created. An HOA representative will be reviewing your request and will send you a personal response. To view the status of the ticket or add comments, please visit https://help.modelhoa.com/ Thank you for your patience as we review your request. Sincerely, Model HOA Management TeamNO REPLY WAS SENT FROM TRUSTEES TO THIS TICKET. |
Ticket 99 | https://help.modelhoa.com/support/tickets/99October 10, 2017 Records indicate the 2017-2018 board is beginning with four vacancies and three new trustees:
1- President: The trustees and/or committee chairs whose terms ended October 10th were not included on the election ballot so were not re-elected, therefore they are required to vacate their seats on the Board of Trustees in lieu of the new candidates. The Nomination Committee comprised of Trustee Polly Reynolds, and two or more Members of our Association (Article V. Section 1) were Julia Loughlin, and Brian Zilvitis. This “Nominating Committee was charged to make as many nominations for election to the Board of Trustees ballot as it shall in its discretion determine, but not less than the number of vacancies that are to be filled.” Trustees (Zilvitis, Lilliquist, Cody) have completed their election terms. The BOT has had but six trustees. The 2017 candidates for election were available for placement on the ballot by the middle of September (Gladson, Benson, Williams, Archer). Email to and from Brian Zilvitis and I think Model HOA Tickets #86 and #89 do verify this candidacy. The ballot sent to Homeowners on the night before the election provided only three candidates to receive votes. This leaves the 2017-2018 Board of Trustees with a vacancy. Did the Board nominate or elect a fourth Trustee from the floor during the annual meeting? Those I have asked say No. If not, the Nominating Committee has made an error that should be rectified by adding candidate Archer to the Board. If the Board has added someone else to this fourth seat without being a declared candidate prior to the election, or not having their name on the ballot then the board is working out of order and is non-compliant with our Bylaws. I hope you correct the Election Ballot error of filling not less than the number of vacancies open on the SSSF Board of Trustees. Sincerely, Lucy Archer |
Entire Reply to Ticket #99 |
Dear Lucy Archer, We would like to acknowledge that we have received your request and a ticket has been created. To view the status of the ticket or add comments, please visit Thank you for your patience as we review your request. Sincerely, |
The 5 Tickets Listed Below Were Closed Without a Response | ||||||||||||||||||
March 2, 2018 BOT website Screenshot:![]() |
Ticket # | November 18, 2017 Noland’s underdrain boondoggle… | |||||||||||||||||
Ticket #109 | https://help.modelhoa.com/support/tickets/109 To: [email protected] from: [email protected] date: Sat, Feb 23, 2018 at 8:04 AM re: Ticket Received – Fulfillment of agreement to serve as the Re-write Committee Chairperson __________________________________________ February 23, 2018 To the SSSFHOA Trustees:I am sending this Ticket for the purpose of reiterating my continuing interest in working as the chairperson of the SSSFHOA charter documents re-write committee, namely the Board Bylaws and the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions.During the summer of 2015 Rick Hovey, sitting president of the HOA board, offered this position to me in exchange for research work he asked me to do for him and the board regarding the underdrain situation.Fulfillment of this agreement has been overlooked though I fulfilled my part and continue to expand the information on the agreed topic.I am again reminding the trustees, as I have done in previous conversations, Tickets and emails, to them and their predecessors, that my offer to manage and complete the re-write of the SSSFHOA charter documents is still on the table.I am confident I can successfully complete the re-writes within a reasonable time frame and at minimal expense to the Homeowners.I look forward to your response.Sincerely,Lucy Archer from: [email protected] This is received and passed on, thank you. Dear Lucy Archer, We would like to acknowledge that we have received your request and a ticket has been created. To view the status of the ticket or add comments, please visit Thank you for your patience as we review your request. Sincerely, |
Ticket #110 | https://help.modelhoa.com/support/tickets/110 To: [email protected] from: [email protected] date: Sat, Mar 3, 2018 at 10:08 AM re: Ticket Received – SSSF HOA Document Retention To the SSSFHOA Trustees: January 8, 2018 -_SSSFHOA Board Meeting – Model HOA –Property Manager’s Report: Manager Ryan Dickey asked what the BOT wants to do regarding Document Retention. Ryan said he would like to reduce the amount of documents he has accumulated since November 2016 when his company was hired by the BOT. Williams asked what the law required on this topic and if different types of subdivisions require more or less paperwork. Ryan manages 3 condominium subdivisions that require much more paperwork. Ryan would like to trim SSSF files, both paper and electronic records, from retention. My concern is whether the BOT realizes that failure to retain records could expose the management company and the BOT to liability for negligent practices. The BOT’s failure to supervise and investigate potential record loss on a regular basis might compromise the board’s position should litigation ensue. There is no replacement for a thorough paper trail. Loss of documents is a serious problem called “spoliation” whether by a party or its agent. Worst case scenario, spoliation can lead to court sanctions, the loss of a case, extensive legal fees and possible criminal offense. The Board president asked Ryan to draft a document to define the Document Retention policy for the board before approval. Should the SSSFHOA trustees decide to allow Ryan of Model HOA to dispose of the box or two of Association documents his company now holds, I would like to offer an alternate solution. I have been collecting and housing Silver Springs documents since 1982. Rather than shredding and disposing of Association materials I would like to receive these boxes of information to add to my collection. As a retired librarian, and Association founding member, and a board trustee for a number of terms/years I feel qualified to expand my stewardship over Association documents. Submitted by Lucy Archer from: [email protected] Dear Lucy Archer, To view the status of the ticket or add comments, please visit Thank you for your patience as we review your request. Sincerely, |
Ticket 110 was also sent Mar 3, 2018 via gmail to each of the trustees individually.
Ticket 204 Nov. 18, 2018 |
#204 Essential Considerations before approving Draft CCRs – request for extension and more Homeowner Input from Lucy Archer, reported less than a minute ago –The underdrains are NOT OWNED by the Board of Trustees or our Association, because they were installed on private properties. The underdrains have never been included in legal recorded plats, have not been dedicated to Summit County. Summit County holds no mandate for our HOA to repair, maintain, or replace any part of the underdrains “as it is reckless to do so.” (according to the U.S.G.S. and the Summit County Commissioners). –We were told at the Office of the State Water Engineer that the underdrain function of altering the flow of groundwater and discharging it outside of SSSF, an activity that has never been approved by the Division of Water Rights. It is illegal. Water in Utah, whether it is above or below the ground, is public property subject to existing State laws for rights of water use. –The underdrains were to be temporary D.I.A. ditching, installed 5-10’ below the surface within private property on half the platted lots of SSSF by the developer in 1979 to 1982 to facilitate the construction of infrastructure utilities and the first foundations for homes a Special Notice was recorded as Entry 157606 . The polypropylene tubes were new “technology” in the 1970’s. The 1977 Clean Water Act was a new federal directive. None of the other twelve subdivisions in Silver Springs Community installed nor used this new technology. Underdrains are not included in our Association charter documents. There is a clear distinction between channels, drainage (surface storm water and snowmelt) and the underdrains. –There are men in SSSF who claim they worked for the early developers and engineers who worked on our SSSF development building process. That era and its local outputs were a difficult time, many errors were made on so many levels, bankruptcies were adding up and putting many builders out of business. From 1982 to 2007 the UDs were unheard of leftovers. For over thirty years people bought their SSSF property without any clue of what lay beneath their lots. Until around 2005, a few underdrains were unclogged without authority by a few men, thinking they were helping their neighbors by removing tree roots and ground soil shift blockages. Approximately five or six lots benefited from this work. It was found by several Homeowners that sump pumps and French drains proved to be highly effective and less costly with much less damage to Homeowner properties, and without inclusion in the HOA CCRs. If the UDs are inserted in our CCRs your vote will help create a cloud on your property title that could lower the valuation and make prospective buyers uncertain. –The problems began around 2009 when these few men formed a secret committee and did little to make their work known to the Homeowners. Funds were funneled in furtive ways to hire root rooters and to trench out what they identified as problem areas. There were a few Homeowners that were privately assisted; now there were scores of Homeowners who feel they have never been told the full story. Advice to the committee by lawyers they paid to support their opinions have been costly ($128,565.77). Advice from several County Commissioners and the County Attorney and other County and State department water officials are free and available; these have been suppressed by the UD committee. The Homeowner’s concerns and anxiety has been displayed at the October and November 2018 meetings as the Homeowners ask unanswered underdrain questions that have not been provided since 2005. If the UD committee had not been so ambiguous and obscure, this now apparent problem, brought forward in the underdrain- focused v.17 draft CCRs, would not have sent a shock wave throughout the Silver Springs Single Family neighborhood. –Our valuable, natural groundwater in SSSF is being systematically removed by the underdrains, 365 days of the year. Whether it is cold, raining or whether the temperatures are soaring without rain for months, the underdrains ARE ALWAYS ON! There is no way to regulate how much valuable groundwater or irrigation water is being discharged off our properties and neighborhood, or under what weather conditions. See photos and posts regarding the Utah Snyderville Basin drought at https://www.facebook.com/SilverSpringsCommunityUT/ –The underdrain proponents are proud of the work they have done in SSSF. It appears irrelevant to them that they have disenfranchised Homeowners who have repeatedly voted to ignore the underdrains; and that they usurped authority. They want you to think that discharging our costly irrigation water, and our valuable, natural resource groundwater is a service to SSSF. As the dehydrating ground shrinks it is possible for home foundations to shift. Homeowners need to be on the lookout next summer for foundation cracks and leveling changes. Definitely the opposite of becoming a swamp! (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4884879/) –As clay layers contract, cracks develop that will allow radon gas to more readily pass upward to enter your home. You cannot see or smell radon gas. Radon gas, prevalent in Utah, is a known cause of lung cancer. Your use of sump pumps or a Pitmaster may be decreasing but your need for dying mature tree removal and for foundation maintenance and concrete sealants such as Ion-Bond Armor are likely to increase. And while these natural occurrences become more and more evident, SSSF Homeowners are being placed in the situation of “forced consent, unverifiable electronic voting procedures” to accept a specious and dangerous draft of CCRs that will create the problems the UD committee is telling us will occur as “entangling gross negligence law suits,” something that has NOT occurred for forty years because our CCRs do NOT make our HOA or the Homeowners liable for a temporary, aging system of plastic pipes the developer used under half of our private properties. We hope you take time to read and understand the information we are providing in this email, and within the www.silverspringscommunity.com website and on the open forum (membership not required) mini-site: https://www.facebook.com/SilverSpringsCommunityUT/ Much is at stake, we want you to be well informed about all the facts. Also attached is the latest edition of the Annotated Draft V.17 CCRs that include comments and notes from dozens of SSSF Homeowners. This email and Annotated CCRs have been emailed to the seven board trustees. Working toward Positive Outcomes, (196 KB)
https://help.modelhoa.com/support/tickets/204 |