10- SouthShore SF
South Shore at Silver Springs
This subdivision was first named South Lake
– SouthShore subdivision is one of six single family home communities
within the Silver Springs Community of Park City.
– Silver Springs Single Family, NorthShore, Meadow Springs, Park Place and
The Springs at Walker Court being the other five. There are also seven condo subdivisions
in the Silver Springs Community.
– SouthShore subdivision was recorded in 1991 for 68 single family homes.
– South Shore has a small five acre recreational lake, Silver Willow Pond,
accessible to SouthShore residents living around its perimeter. An Exclusive
Enjoyment Easement was recorded in 1989; the Plat maps and CC&R’s were recorded in 1991.
2010-2011 SouthShore Board:
President : Steve LoRe 645-7835
Michael J. West 866-648-5508
Stanley M. Kanarowski 649-7202
Alice Patterson Moe 649-2450
Arch. Committee – Jitka West 866-648-5508
See HOA info at: http://hoa-community.com/southshore-hoa-park-city-ut/
SouthShore in 1988 before the houses were built.
Note Parley’s Park Elementary School on the left and Silver Willow Pond in the foreground;
“The Duck Stop” aka Blue Roof Market on the right.
– Photo courtesy of Kirsten Kobler
Park Place on NW corner, Little Lake SSSF six homes/lots on SE corner
SouthShore is mostly confined to Silver Springs Drive, Little Lake Drive, and S. Shore Drive.
SouthShore Former Board Members:
2009-2010 President : Steve LoRe 645-7835
2009-2010 Trustee: Michael J. West 866-648-5508
2009-2010 Trustee: Stanley M. Kanarowski 649-7202
2009-2010 Trustee: Alice Patterson Moe 649-2450
2009-2010 Arch. Committee – Jitka West 866-648-55082008 President : Stanley M. Kanarowski 649-7202
2008 Trustee: Michael J. West 866-648-5508
2008 Trustee: Steve LoRe 645-7835
2008 Trustee: Alice Patterson Moe 649-2450
**1989, August 2 — Private Enjoyment Easement Agreement around the perimeter of the Little Lake. Not recorded, provided to all SouthShore Shoreline Property buyers. Includes Exhibit B map dated June 2, 1989 showing the Easement.
**1991, Articles of Incorporation of SouthShore Homeowners Association, recorded on September 23, 1991, as Entry 347495 Book 625 Pages 745-747 by Michael S. Barnes, James A. Doilney, and Diane M. Doilney.
**1991, Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for SouthShore Plat A, recorded on September 23, 1991, as Entry 347495 Book 625 Page 729-744 on September 23, 1991, signed by Michael S. Barnes and James A. Doilney.
**1991, September 23 SouthShore at Silver Springs Subdivision, Plat A, Entry 347494 affects Lots 1-11 and 13-31. This plat shows the Private Enjoyment Easement for the Shoreline Property buyers.
**1991, Bylaws of SouthShore Homeowner’s Association, recorded on September 23, 1991, as Entry 347495 Book 625 Pages 748-752, signed by James A. Doilney and Diane M. Doilney.
*****Article III: SouthShore General Membership Meetings are to be held on the second Monday in October at 7 PM.
Article IV Section 3. …The office of a Trustee may be declared vacant by the Board of Trustees in the event any Trustee shall be absent from three (3) consecutive regular meetings of the Board.
Article VIII: The election of officers by the Board of Trustees shall take place at the first meeting of the Board following each annual meeting and each shall hold office for one (1) year unless he or she shall sooner resign, or shall be removed, or otherwise disqualified to serve.
**1991, September 23 SouthShore at Silver Springs Subdivision, Plat C, Entry 362751 Book 92 Page 29 affects Lots 12 and 45-80, signed by South Shore Partners on July 23, 1992.
**1991, September 23, Southshore Phase B, Plat recorded, SOS-B-Lot #
**1992, First Supplementary Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for SouthShore at Silver Springs Subdivision Plat A (and C), recorded July 17, 1992 as Entry 362755 Book 674 Pages 228-231 signed by Michael S. Barnes and James A. Doilney. Annexes Lots 12 and 45-80 (Plat C) to Lots 1-11 and 13-31 (Plat A), making them subject to the CCRs recorded as Entry 347495 listed above.
**1992, July 22 – SOS-C-Lot# Plat Recorded.
**1992, July 23 SouthShore Declaration from SOUTHSHORE AT SILVER SPRINGS HOMEOWNERS Plat A and C. Recording Date 07/23/1992 01:44:00 AM Entry Number 00362755 Book 674 Page 228.
**1992, October 19 – Well protection recorded Entry Number 00367615 Book 689 Page 533″SUBD: SOUTHSHORE AT SILVER SPRINGS PLAT A SUBD S 30 T 1S R 4E A WELL PROTECTION ZONE: PROP WITHIN 100 FT OF THE WELL SHAFT BEING LOC 1212 FT M/L E & 2331 FT M/L N OF THE SW COR OF SEC 30, T1SR4E.”
**1993, June 18 – Affidavit. Entry 00381401 Book 732 Page 463, from Jack J. Johnson to Whom It May Concern. SUBD: NORTHSHORE SILVER SPRINGS NO 1G PLAT B LOT: 58
**1993, November 30 – Ordinance No. 221 Entry No. 00392512 Book 00769 Pages 300-301 – Annexes Meadow Wild, and South Shore at Silver Springs Plats B (Park Place) and C subdivisions into Summit County Service Area No. 6. For the purpose of providing road maintenance, including snow plowing, within said subdivisions;…
**2001, July 10 – Southshore HOA N-P Corporation Entity No. 1095229-0140 dissolution.
**2003, April 16 – recorded Conveyance of Easement from Silver Springs Water to Mountain Regional signed by Doug Evans on June 29, 2001 as Entry 00655059 Book 1527 Pages 497-507
**2005, April 29 – Southshore HOA corporation was reactivated.
**2006, August 22 – Address change for SOS-A-22 at Entry Number 00788000 Book 1811 Page 1173.
**[Find again, Kennicott Affadavit’s for Lots 32 and 38 per recording errors.]
**2007, April 30 – Southshore HOA Entity No. 5897520-0140- re-incorporated.
Twenty-five SouthShore and Little Lake at Silver Springs homes have lake view lots.
Note: Little Lake lots identified above as 23, 24, 25 are in the Silver Springs Single Family Little Lake subdivision and not a part of the South Shore subdivision, therefore are not subject to the Barnes’ 1989 Private Enjoyment Easement Agreement.
Blue represents streams, easements and waterway inlets to lakes
Orange represents common area easements
Yellow represents Enjoyment Easement not including the Ross Lloyd Park
(Silver Springs Water Co. shoreline access property)
**Article I Section 2: “Common area” and “common facilities” shall mean all real property owned by the Association for the common use and enjoyment of the members of the association. Common areas and common facilities expressly do not include the Shoreline Property located in front of Lakeview Lots.
**Section 11: “Lakeview Lots” shall mean Lots which are located immediately adjacent to the Silver Springs Water Company ponds.
**Section 12: “Silver Springs Water Company ponds” shall mean the ponds owned by the Silver Springs Water Company which form a part of the water resources of the Silver Springs Water Company.
**Section 13. “Shoreline Property” shall mean the real property owned by the Silver Springs Water Company, which property is located between the Silver Springs Water Company ponds and the border of the Lakeview Lots 1-11(Plat A and Plat C Lots 50-60).
Articles IV and V –continue with Property Rights in the Common Areas and Covenant for Maintenance Assessments.
Ross G. Lloyd Park on the west bank of Silver Willow Pond
– named for the Lloyd Brothers Construction Company partner who was fatally injured in 1977 while repairing a backhoe during culinary water and sewer line construction in the area. (Alan Sulser)
The Pocket Park is a small strip of land (9.99′ X 69.62′) while the bench and signs were placed within the “Private Enjoyment Easement” along the perimeter of this Pond. The 1991 plat map shows the Pocket Park as a SouthShore subdivision property which is not contiguous to the pond and therefore does not provide legal access to the pond.
2010- December 10 – Lakes Enjoyment Easement – At this SSMA meeting Bill Noland announced that the attorney’s he hired to research the Silver Springs documents have found that the 1989 Enjoyment Easement Agreement around the Little Lake runs with the land and is a valid Agreement from the developer to the SouthShore purchasers of the lake front properties and their successors for the use and access of the perimeter of the lake. The six Little Lake homes located on the east border of the Little Lake along Silver Springs Drive, and annexed in 1997 as part of the SSSF subdivision, are not included in this Agreement as these six lots were not part of the (Mike Barnes) developer’s property. View at: https://www.silverspringscommunity.com/our-community/silver-springs-sf/little-lake-at-silver-springs/ The same situation exists for the Large Lake in that the 7 or 8 homes along the east border of the lake and the Lake Front Court 4 houses, are part of Silver Springs Single Family since the beginning in 1980 and were never part of the developer’s (Barnes’) Private Enjoyment Easement Agreement. Therefore the 1989 Agreement does not guarantee use and access to lake front properties SLS-E Lots 192-199 and SSSF Lots 46-49. Click here to view SSSF lot map.
Does this mean there is NOT access to all the ponds/lakes and easements to all SSMA Members along these Private Enjoyment Easements? If the Easements are Private and Exclusive why does the SSMA bill ALL the SSMA members for maintenance, repair, insurance, taxes, and management of properties owned by SouthShore and/or private owners? The MA board and Noland would not answer Lucy Archer’s question. SSSF lake view lot owners (Fuller -Lot 193, Hedges -Lot 194, Carriel -Lot 195 , Robinson -Lot 196) not within the 1989 Private Exclusive Easement petitioned the board in Fall 2010 to allow them to purchase the easements from the Master Association. The request was tabled until further information was confirmed.
Inlet stream along Little Lake Drive between Lots 6 & 7
This 1991 recorded SouthShore plat map indicates the 1989 Private Exclusive Enjoyment Easement and the Silver Willow Pond (Small Lake) are SouthShore properties (technically they belong to the contiguous property owners), not SS Master Association parcels. Therefore, the SSMA should not be billing all 504 MA members for the maintenance, repair, insurance, taxes, and management costs of these properties, especially since only these 25 property owners have use and access.
Also view https://www.silverspringscommunity.com/lakes-in-silver-springs/silver-springs-dams/
for lake dams cost and liability imposed on unsuspecting SSMA Members.
SouthShore (first named South Lake) is situated between West Silver Springs
Road and Silver Springs Drive, and is intersected by Little Lake Drive
and South Shore Drive.

SouthShore with utility and sewer lines
SOUTHSHORE (68 Houses)
Silver Springs Drive
SOS-A-1 as 4865 Silver Springs Drive – Montbar LLC
SOS-A-2 as 4871 Silver Springs Drive – Richard Christensen
SOS-A-3 as 4879 Silver Springs Drive – Hoot & Jennifer MaynardLittle Lake Drive
SOS-A-4 as 1565 Little Lake Drive – Douglas Timothy & Claudia McMullin
SOS-A-5 as 1571 Little Lake Drive – Kelly L. Stahl
SOS-A-6 as 1577 Little Lake Drive – Denise & James Alexander
SOS-A-7 as 1583 Little Lake Drive – Stanley M. & Elizabeth Kanarowski
SOS-A-8 as 1587 Little Lake Drive – Joseph A. & Dawn S. Rametta
SOS-A-9 as 1593 Little Lake Drive – Phillip J. & Kathleen D. Carter
SOS-A-10 as 1611 Little Lake Drive – Jason Croberger & Susan K. Lupien
SOS-A-28 as 1564 Little Lake Drive – Stephen K. & Lauren Lo Re
SOS-A-29 as 1570 Little Lake Drive – Kathleen Kunz; Deb Lovci
SOS-A-30 as 1576 Little Lake Drive – Dion Justin Cole
SOS-A-31 as 1582 Little Lake Drive – Stephen J. & Karin SimichWest Silver Springs Drive
SOS-A-11 as 1617 West Silver Springs Road – Mark R. & Lea Giuliano
SOS-C-12 as 1632 West Silver Springs Road – Joseph & Maureen Sgambato
SOS-A-13 as1628 West Silver Springs Road – Nigel & Mary Rose Ashcroft
SOS-A-14 as1624 West Silver Springs Road -Ronald W. & Susan K. Minard
SOS-A-15 as 1620 West Silver Springs Road – Constance M. Snyder
SOS-A-16 as 1616 West Silver Springs Road – Mike Kobe & Julie A. Freestone
SOS-A-17 as 1612 West Silver Springs Road – Richard W. & Marianne Miller
SOS-A-18 as 1608 West Silver Springs Road – Phillip Peterson
SOS-A-19 as 1604 West Silver Springs Road – James E. & Suzanne H. Patterson
SOS-A-20 as 1607 West Silver Springs Road – William & Lynn Williams
SOS-A-21 as 1601 West Silver Springs Road – Daniel C. & Kathrine M. DeTemple
SOS-A-22 as 1591 West Silver Springs Road – Shirley K. Sargent
(SOS-A-22 address changed on Aug. 22, 2006, Entry 788000)
SOS-A-23 as 1585 West Silver Springs Road – Michael S. & Katherine M. Penrose
SOS-A-24 as 1579 West Silver Springs Road – Gordon R. & Lori J. Lange
SOS-A-25 as 1573 West Silver Springs Road – Gary K. Krall
SOS-A-26 as 1567 West Silver Springs Road – Chris D. Pentes
SOS-A-27 as 1561 West Silver Springs Road – Robert & Debra EricksonSOS-C-45 as 1729 West Silver Springs Road – Jessica R. Acedo
SOS-C-46 as 1723 West Silver Springs Road – Todd P. Rooney
SOS-C-47 as 1711 West Silver Springs Road – Frederick John Slyfield II
SOS-C-48 as 1717 West Silver Springs Road – David J. Winegar
SOS-C-49 as 1697 West Silver Springs Road – Fred E. & Susan Eckstein
SOS-C-50 as 1703 West Silver Springs Road – Mimi McGee & Lee BeebeSouth Shore Drive
SOS-C-51 as1580 S. Shore Drive – Mark G. Mackay & Linda R. White
SOS-C-52 as 1586 S. Shore Drive -Jana L. Potter
SOS-C-53 as1592 S. Shore Drive – Michael J. & Alyce C. Todd
SOS-C-54 as 1598 S. Shore Drive – John A. & Catherine M. Chadwick
SOS-C-55 as 1602 S. Shore Drive – Sara L. Shand
SOS-C-56 as 1610 S. Shore Drive – Scott J. Richards
SOS-C-57 as 1614 S. Shore Drive – Corey & Debra Decamp
SOS-C-58 as 1622 S. Shore Drive – Michael J. & Jitka West
SOS-C-59 as 1626 S. Shore Drive – Bunkie Witten & Kathleen Wikoff
SOS-C-60 as 1630 S. Shore Drive – Rolf J. & Mary BenirschkeSOS-C 71 as 1617 S. Shore Drive – Daniel & Shirley Mae Maffuccio
SOS-C-72 as 1609 S. Shore Drive – William Ronald Duyker
SOS-C-73 as 1603 S. Shore Drive – Brent G. & Leslie Baker
SOS-C-74 as 1597 S. Shore Drive – Stephen P. Long & Karen Halverson
SOS-C-75 as 1589 S. Shore/1687 Silver Springs Rd. – Larry G. & Malinda LukeSilver Springs Road
SOS-C-61 as 1636 W. Silver Springs Road – Vincent M. & Teresa F. Criscione
SOS-C-62 as 1640 W. Silver Springs Road – Deryl W. & Allison M. Strong
SOS-C-63 as 1644 W. Silver Springs Road – Sage Ranches, Inc.
SOS-C-64 as 1648 W. Silver Springs Road – James A. Bragg & Gail M.McGuill
SOS-C-65 as 1652 W. Silver Springs Road – Mary McEntire
SOS-C-66 as 1656 W. Silver Springs Road – Gregory R. & Ana Wojtkun
SOS-C-67 as 1660 W. Silver Springs Road – Pace T. Erickson
SOS-C-68 as 1662 W. Silver Springs Road – Joshua & Miriam Footer
SOS-C-69 as 1668 W. Silver Springs Road – Michael S. & Carol D. Thuman
SOS-C-70 as 1629/1651 W. Silver Springs Road – John M. & Elizabeth S. WallSOS-C-76 as 1681 W. Silver Springs Road – Todd L. & Jennifer B. Powers
SOS-C-77 as 1675 W. Silver Springs Road – Bryan Weekes
SOS-C-78 as 1669 W. Silver Springs Road – Jeff D. & Jana L. Daily
SOS-C-79 as 1663 W. Silver Springs Road – Eat Titleholder 2003-073 LLC
SOS-C-80 as 1657 W. Silver Springs Road – David S. & Donna J. Guye
The Early Silver Springs Development Plan for SLS-1D in 1981 (modified in 1989 to become SouthShore subdivision) included condos built around the Little Pond/Lake and landscaped enjoyment easements around the waterways for use by all residential unit owners.
1981 Preliminary Plan of landscaped waterways and Lower Pond enjoyment easement for all residents.
1981 Preliminary Plan of landscaped waterways enjoyment easement showing condos around the Upper Pond a.k.a. Little Lake. This Silver Springs Phase 1D later became SouthShore subdivision (SOS-Phases A,B,C. Later SOS-B became Park Place).