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  • 13- Willowbend West Condos

    Willow Bend East - entry sign 2008

    Willow Bend part of the Silver Springs Master Association - logo
    Located at Meadow Loop Road intersected by Quail Meadows Road and E. Meadows Drive
    A Residential Planned Unit Development recorded in 1984.

    Willowbend West Condos(26)

    Manager: Robyn Bailey 645-9342


    (The content of the WBW website has been copied from this Community website)

    Willow Bend West - aerial map
    Aerial Photograph of Willowbend West – c2006
    Willowben West 1984 plat map
    Willowbend West 1984 plat map

    Willow Bend Village plat map


    Date of May 26, 2004
    Recorded Entry 00699901 Book 1624 Pages 1066-1088
    Signed by WBW President Mark Rasmussen
    Click here to view the .PDF files


    Recorded Entry 00699902 Book 1624 Pages 1089-1095
    on May 28, 2004





    Recorded Entry 00699903 Book 1624 Pages 101096-1100
    on May 28, 2004



    1. Name. The name of the nonprofit corporation is “Willowbend West Homeowners Association, Inc.”, hereinafter referred to as the “Association”.



    1. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the members of the Association, for the election of directors, appointment and approval of other board members, appointment and approval of committee members and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before it shall be held in Summit County. The meeting shall be held during or near the month of September of each and every year. The Secretary shall give written notice by mail, not less than 10 nor more than 30 days before the date of the meeting, to each member of the place, date, and hour of the meeting.

    2. Special Meeting. Special meetings, other than the annual meeting, may be called at any time by Fifty-One Percent (51%) of the Board of Directors or members of the Association. Written notice shall be similar to that required for the annual meeting. No other business other than that specified in the notice shall be transacted.

    3. Quorum. The presence of twenty five percent (25%) of members, at any annual or special meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

    4. Voting – Proxies. Each member, who is in good standing by not being delinquent (more than 60 days) in the payment of dues or assessments, may vote one vote for each matter that a vote is required. Proxy votes shall be allowed.



    1. Number and Qualifications. The entire Board of Directors shall consist of an odd number of at least three and no more than seven persons. The non-resident manager shall be a non voting ex-officio member of the Board of Directors.

    2. Manner of Election. The Board of Directors shall be elected at every annual meeting as provided herein.

    3. Term of Office. The term of office of the individual directors shall be staggered so that one-half of the Board of Directors shall be elected at each annual meeting or until his or her successor has been duly appointed.

    4. Duties and Powers. The Board of Directors shall have control and management of the affairs and business of the Association. The directors shall in all cases act as a Board, regularly convened, and; in the transaction of business, the act of a Fifty-One Percent (51%) present at a meeting shall be the act of the Board.

    5. Itemized Powers. The Board of Directors shall have the following powers. These are in addition to those powers required by the Articles of Incorporation, the “Utah Revised Nonprofit Corporation Act.” Utah Code Annotated 16-6a-101 et. seq., 1953 as amended, and the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of Willowbend West Subdivision A Residential Planned Unit Development, as amended:

    a. Incorporation.

    b. Managing & maintaining the real & personal property of the Association.

    c. Assessing members & collecting assessments in order to manage & maintain the property of the Association.

    d. Securing property & liability insurance.

    e. Signing legal documents and being the keeper thereof.

    f. Forming committees it deems necessary in carrying out its duties.

    g. Establish rules and regulations.

    6. Delegated Powers. The Board of Directors may by written contract delegate, in whole or in part, to a professional management organization, or person, such of its duties, responsibilities, functions, and powers as are properly delegable.

    7. Meetings. The Board of Directors shall meet regularly during the year for the transaction of business as determined by the President of the Board.

    8. Notice of Meetings. No specific notice need be given of any regular scheduled meeting of the Board. Notice can be by notice at the last regular meeting, by telephone, or by mail.

    9. Place of Meeting. The Board of Directors may hold its meetings any place designated in the notice of such meeting.

    10. Quorum. At any meeting of the Board of Directors, the presence of Fifty-One percent (51%) of the Board shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

    11. Voting. Each director shall have one vote. Proxies shall be allowed.

    12. Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors shall be filled promptly by a member recommended and approved by the remaining Board of Directors. The director thus chosen shall hold office for the unexpired term of his or her predecessor and the election and qualification of the successor.

    13. Removal from Office. Any director may be removed with cause, at any time, by a vote of a Fifty-One Percent (51%) of the Board of Directors.

    14. Resignation. Any director may resign at any time, such resignation to be made in writing and to take effect immediately.



    1. Officers and Qualifications. The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and such other officers as the Board of Directors may determine. The non-resident property manager shall function as a Treasurer.

    2. Appointment. All officers of the Association shall be directors. Except that the Treasurer shall be a non-voting ex-officio member of the Board of Directors.

    3. Term of Office. All officers shall hold office until their successors have been duly elected and have qualified.

    4. Duties. The duties and powers of the officers of the Association shall be as follows or as hereafter set by resolution of the Board of Directors:


    a. Shall present at each annual meeting of the members a report of the condition of the business of the Association.

    Vice President

    • a. Shall assume the duties of the President whenever the President so elects or whenever the President is unable to do so.


    • a. Shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors and of the annual meeting.

    • b. Shall be custodian of the records not kept with the property manager / treasurer.

    • c. Shall keep at the principal office of the Association a book or record containing the names and addresses of all persons who are members.

    • d. Shall keep, prepare and make available a current list of the Officers, Board of Directors, & other committee members, of the Association along with their mailing address.

    e. Shall perform the entire duties incident to the office of Secretary.


    • a. The Treasurer shall have the care and custody of and be responsible for all the funds and securities of the Association, and shall deposit such funds and securities in the name of the Association in such banks or elsewhere as the Board of Directors, may designate.

    • b. Shall make, sign, and endorse in the name of the Association all checks, drafts, notes, and other orders for the payment of money, and pay out and dispose of such under the direction of the President.

    • c. Shall keep at the principal office of the Association accurate books of account of all its business and transactions.

    • d. Shall render a report of the condition of the finances of the Association at each regular meeting of the Board of Directors and shall make a full financial report at the annual meeting of the members.

    6. Vacancies. The Board of Directors shall fill all vacancies promptly.

    7. Compensation. Officers who are also positions of staff, as well as all other staff employees shall receive such salary or compensation as may be fixed by the Board of Directors. Otherwise, no officer shall receive any compensation or salary.



    1. Execution. All bills payable, notes, checks, drafts, warrants, or other negotiable instruments of the Association shall be made in the name of the Association and shall be signed by such officer, or designee, as the Board of Directors shall from time to time by resolution direct.



    1. Standard of Conduct. Each director, board member, officer, committee member, & paid employee shall discharge his or her duties in good faith, with the care an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would exercise, and in a manner they believe to be in the best interest of the Association.

    2. Conflict of Interest. If a director, board member, officer, committee member, & paid employee concerning any transaction effected or proposed, is a party thereto or has a beneficial financial interest, or a person related is a party thereto or has a beneficial financial interest, that conflict of interest must be disclosed before taking action. Such disclosure must include the existence and nature of the conflicting interest along with all known facts that an ordinarily prudent person would deem material.

    3. Indemnification. The Association shall indemnify any director, board member, officer, committee member, & paid employee made a party to a proceeding because he or she was a trustee, board member, officer, committee member, & paid employee, against liability incurred if: their conduct was in good faith; and they reasonably believed that their conduct was in, or not opposed to, the Association’s best interest; and in the case of a criminal proceeding, they had no reasonable cause to believe their conduct was unlawful.



    1. Manner of Amending. These Bylaws may be altered, amended, repealed, or added to by the affirmative vote of a Fifty-One Percent (51%) of the entire Board of Directors.

    ADOPTED THIS _____DAY OF ________, 2004, at the regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting of the Willowbend West Homeowners Association, Inc.

    If you want to find full copies of the above listed documents follow these instructions for finding them on the Summit County Website:

    Go to http://www.co.summit.ut.us/
    Look for the orange menu bar at the top of the page.
    Click on PUBLIC RECORDS. That will produce a drop-down menu.
    From this menu click on Eagle Web (Property).
    From this page click on PUBLIC LOG-IN
    Look for the black menu bar on the top of the page.
    In the center of the page, the first black menu bar has ENTRY NUMBER (find given above for each document)
    In the box provided enter the ENTRY NUMBER from above for the document you are seeking.
    The .PDF file of the recorded document will come up for viewing or printing or saving to your computer.


    WBD-59 as 4805 N. Meadow Loop Road Unit 59 – Brett A. James
    WBD-60 as 4805 N. Meadow Loop Road Unit 60 – Michelle Hoffmann Owen
    WBD-61 as 4805 N. Meadow Loop Road Unit 61 – Peter J. Barquin & Julie J. Mastin
    WBD-62 as 4805 N. Meadow Loop Road Unit 62 – Mark Rasmussen (rented to   )
    WBD-63 as 4815 N. Meadow Loop Road Unit 63 – Jan McCosh
    WBD-64 as 4815 N. Meadow Loop Road Unit 64 – Michael A. Katz (1990)
    WBD-65 as 4815 N. Meadow Loop Road Unit 65 – Gerald & Jacquelyn H. Harwood

    WBD Lot 66 as 1376 Silver Meadows Drive Unit 66 – Susan Balko & Larry R. Eichner (1985)
    WBD Lot 67 as 1376 Silver Meadows Drive Unit 67 – Christopher V. & Laurie Morrison
    WBD Lot 68 as 1376 Silver Meadows Drive Unit 68 – David Donegan, Joyce Butler (2006)
    WBD Lot 69 as 1376 Silver Meadows Drive Unit 69 – PC Townhome; Goose Solutions

    WBD Lot 70 as 1358 W. Silver Meadows Drive Unit 70 – JR Leasing & Financial Service
    WBD Lot 71 as 1358 W.Silver Meadows Drive Unit 71 – Barbara B. Kennon, Keith G. & Mary Williams;  Jonathan B. Ruga & Tina B. Ruga, etal.
    WBD Lot 72 as 1358 Silver Meadows Drive Unit 71 – Scott F. & Susan H. Young

    WBD Lot 73 as 1385 W. Silver Meadows Drive Unit 73 – Mike Russell; Merchant Bankcard Services
    WBD Lot 74 as 1385 W. Silver Meadows Drive Unit 74 – Kevin Vaugan; Cheryll S. Coon & Anna Demasi
    WBD Lot 75 as 1385 W. Silver Meadows Drive Unit 75 – James W. & Cynthia B. Lea

    WBD Lot 76 as 1389 Silver Meadows Drive Unit 76 – Gene W. Williams & Karen R. Williams
    WBD Lot 77 as 1389 Silver Meadows Drive Unit 77 – Intrnl Holidays of Dallas Inc; Ferrell Riley
    WBD Lot 78 as 1389 Silver Meadows Drive Unit 78 – Justin Moore (2006)
    WBD Lot 79 as 1389 Silver Meadows Drive Unit 79 – David C. Allen

    WBD Lot 80 as 1375 Silver Meadows Drive Unit 80 – Stephanie Krizman
    WBD Lot 81 as 1375 Silver Meadows Drive Unit 81 – Robert A. & Margorie S. Starling
    WBD Lot 82 as 1357 Silver Meadows Drive Unit 82 – Frances M Tannen; Mirta Cabrera
    WBD Lot 83 as 1357 Silver Meadows Drive Unit 83 – Gregory Dupratt & Juana M. Dupratt
    WBD Lot 84 as 1357 Silver Meadows Drive Unit 84 – Hank & Anita K. Flynn, Bob & Laura Sheets; renter: – P. Ocho & Inge Reschke & Nicole S. Schaaf

    HOA BOARD – c. 2011-2013

    President (resident of Summit Park): Mark Rasmussen 901-1665, 658-3884
    V.P. – Kevin Vaughan 645-9049
    Secretary: Karen Williams 649-6001
    Treasurer: none
    Member – Juana Dupratt  658-5285
    Member: Gail Osborne

    HOA BOARD – 2006-2010
    President (resident of Summit Park): Mark Rasmussen 901-1665, 658-3884
    V.P. – Larry Eichner (former Pres.)
    Secretary: Karen Williams 649-6001
    Treasurer: none
    Member: Chris Morrison 655-0229 [moved to SSSF on Lake Front Ct.]
    Manager: Robyn Bailey 645-9342
    Find Willowbend West on FACEBOOK

     Willow Bend - The Village - part of Silver Spring Master Association - logo
    Willowbend West and Willowbend East-Silver Springs Townhouses
    were known as “The Village at Silver Springs” circa 1992

    Registered Agent: Daniel C. Hunter III at 1700 Park Avenue, P.O. B. 2467, Park City, UT 84060

    Officer or Contact Person: Jonathan Ruga, President, 3450 S. Highland Dr, Ste 201, SLC, UT 84106, (801) 485-6464

    (May wish to notify Larry Eichner, c/o Grinnell, 3439 South 500 West, SLC, UT 84115, (801)262-9406, or 649-1118)

    2001 – Mark Rasmussen – WBW President.

    1990 – Lynn Stevens –  In 1990, Lynn Stevens, who was then president of the WWHOA as well as manager of the Silver Springs Water Co. acting in concert with the developer, created a draft of the Bylaws as it was obligated to do. However, it is believed the constituent HOAs never provided input nor ultimately ratified the draft.  That’s why Article XIII Adoption is incomplete.  No meeting of the Board of Trustees was held and no vote of adoption was ever taken.  This was confirmed in conversations with the Developer and the assisting attorney.  Aside from the difficulty of getting each HOA to provide specific language or organizational changes, this last step proves to be problematic as there did not occur a vesting of authority of each HOA trustee to bind its HOA to the MA.  That is, there was never a vote to adopt the MA Bylaws.

    1989 – Larry Eichner, Willowbend West HOA board president proposed to transfer the responsibility for the tennis courts to the newly being formed SSMHOA.  Willowbend West held outright title to the Tennis Courts.  The WBW board and members saw them as an albatross and wanted to be rid of the expense of maintenance and liability insurance so Larry made an arrangement, “Plan L” with Mike Barnes (the SSD developer) for the Tennis Courts to be part of the 1990 Developer-Homeowner Agreement to transfer a Special Warranty Deed to the Master HOA.  [A Special Warranty Deed gave Barnes’s promise to transfer the property to the MHOA limited to his period of ownership.  A deed of title to real property by which the grantor warrants that he is not personally responsible for any title defects, but making no warranties or representations as to the quality of the title in other respects.]

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